Happy Birthday (Part 2)

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Peyton waited patiently at the bottom of a winding staircase that led to the dinner she planned for Logan. She smiled to herself, if you told her a couple months ago that she'd be so in love with a girl to the point where she did cheesy birthday dinners, she'd call you crazy.

Her smile tensed as she caught what she was thinking. Did she say in love? Was she in love with Logan? That can't be possible, they've only been dating a couple weeks, sure, she was smitten, and she melted every time Logan smiled at her, and her laugh was literally her favorite sound in the world.

Oh, god. She was in love with Logan. Did she feel the same way? Would she feel the same way? Or would it scare her off? So many questions ran through her head that she didn't notice the black sedan that carried Logan approach.

The driver stepped out and opened the door so Logan can climb out.

"Hello," Logan beamed as the driver closed the door.

"Hey," Peyton smiled. She turned to the driver, "thank you, William, you may go." William gave a curt nod and proceeded to drive away.

Logan's eyes roamed Peyton's body in a mini black dress that hugged her curves, while Peyton did the same.

"You look beautiful," Logan whispered.

"Speak for yourself," Peyton smiled. She revealed a silk piece of cloth from behind her back.

Logan raised an eyebrow, "kinky, never would have pegged you for a BDSM kind of girl," she laughed as Peyton's face turned red, "so is it for my hands or my eyes? Because either way, I think I could be really into it."

Peyton rolled her eyes, "duly noted." she walked around Logan and put the blindfold on, tying it tight, "but for now, its purpose is to keep you from seeing what I prepared for your birthday." 

She took Logan by the hands and helped her towards the top of where a dinner awaited them. 

 Three quarters up the stairs, Logan slipped on a step for the third time. She groaned in frustration, "Peyton, maybe this would be easier if I took the blindfold off."

"We're almost there." Peyton urged. 

"You've said that 3 times since we started climbing," Logan grumbled. She was right, maybe it wasn't the best decision to blindfold Logan and then lead her up the stairs. 

They finally reached the top and Peyton untied the blindfold, excited to see Logan's reaction. 

Logan's eyes went wide as she took in the scene. There was a round set dinner table in the center of the courtyard, complete with lights illuminating the square. A waiter stood by the table, his hands folded in front of him.

Peyton took Logan's hand and led her to the table, the waiter moved to pull out Logan's chair but Peyton put up a hand to stop him. He nodded and moved back to his initial position. 

"Thank you," Logan sat down and waited as the waiter pulled out Peyton's chair. She looked up at him giving up a polite smile. 

"Good evening ladies. My name is Giacomo and I'll be your waiter for this evening. Can I start you ladies off with some champagne or wine?" 

Logan looked at Peyton for an answer. "Champagne please, we're celebrating tonight," Peyton smiled. 

"Very good choice," Giacomo smiled as he left the couple. 

Logan looked around before settling on Peyton, "this is amazing Peyton. I was more than happy with a value meal from McDonald's though."

"Interesting choice," Peyton laughed, "but I would have at least taken you to Kali." 

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