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[A/N]: ^ Talking to the moon by Bruno Mars 

Logan woke up to the sound of loud noise. She groaned as she rose from her bed and padded down the hall to the kitchen. 

She found her mom in the kitchen listening to music while using the mixer. She frowned, her mom never baked or listened to music this loud. 

"Mom," she said.

Her mom continued messing with the mixer trying to figure out how to turn it off. 

"Mom!" she said louder. She didn't hear her and was about to yell out again when her dad appeared beside her. 

"She's been doing this ever since you left," he explained loudly.

Logan furrowed her eyebrows, "why? I didn't know she even had a stand mixer."

He looked at her with sad eyes, "when you left for LA at the beginning of the year, she wasn't used to it being quiet in the house. We went from hearing you and your brother argue every day to just silence."

Logan felt guilty, she didn't think her leaving would affect her parents that much. 

"She does this every morning. If it's not baking, she's vacuuming the entire house," her dad continued, "there's always some sort of noise in the house."

Logan reached for her dad, "I'm sorry, dad. I only thought of myself when Peter died and I didn't stop to think how it would affect you."

Her dad patted her back, "don't be sorry. You felt like you needed to go away and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry you felt like you had to leave and your mom and I didn't stop you." He pulled away to look at her, "you've only left a couple months but you look different," he commented. 

Logan rolled her eyes, "it's the sun, dad. LA gets a ton of it."

Her dad shook his head, "no it's not just the tan. You just look more refreshed and happy. Maybe I should live in California for a couple months too," he chuckled.

To be honest, Logan wasn't either of those at the moment, but maybe LA did her more good than she realized. Her dad gave her shoulder a squeeze as he gave her a smile before he left for work.

Logan sighed, she turned to look back at her mom who was still trying to turn the mixer off. She walked up to her, turning the mixer from behind and hugged her mom.

Her mom jumped, not realizing her daughter and husband were watching her just a couple seconds before. She smiled as she patted Logan's hands that were wrapped around her midsection. "Good morning, honey."

"Morning, mom," Logan mumbled against her mom's shoulder.

"Let's sit and have breakfast," her mom suggested tugging on Logan's hand. "I made all your favorites."

Logan's eyes went wide as she looked at the table full of food, "and then some. Mom who are we feeding? A small village?"

Her mom sat in the seat next to her and started piling food on her plate, "can't I just cook for my favorite daughter?"

Logan stared at the food still being stacked strategically in front of her, "mom, I'm your only daughter,"  she reminded.

Her mom ignored that comment and started cutting into the waffles in front of her, "so how is LA? did you have fun there?" 

Logan picked up a strawberry with her fork and put it in her mouth, "yeah, it's nice there."  

Her mom smiled, "Your father and I are really excited that you decided to attend school here."

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