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"Hey there, stranger."

Peyton stared at her wide-eyed, her mouth opening and closing, trying to find the words her mind was yelling at her. "Paige! what are you doing here?" her facial expression was still surprised as Paige jumped up from her chair giving her a hug, almost knocking her over.

"We wanted to surprise you!" she stepped back and looked at Peyton, "love looks good on you, Peyt." She looked around the restaurant, "where's Logan? I was hoping to meet her."

Peyton was still dumbstruck, Paige, her best friend, the one that was supposed to be over 500 miles away was standing in front of her.

Darren smiled, "you can meet her later, she had something to do tonight." He gestured to the table, "let's have dinner first."

Paige nodded as she pushed Peyton's shoulders down into the chair before walking to the other side of the table to sit beside Darren.

Peyton raised an eyebrow at her. That was weird, Peyton and Paige always sat beside each other. Her eyebrows shot up as she remembered how Darren introduced her. "wait, you introduced Paige as your prom date!"

Sh turned to Paige, "you're coming to prom?"

Paige beamed, "we promised each other remember?"

Peyton smiled fondly as she remembered the promise the three of them made back in freshman year, that they would all go to prom together and then tackle the world together when they graduate as a trio.

Peyton nodded and picked up the menu then slammed it back down onto the table, "you said Paige is your girlfriend."

Darren smiled proudly as he put his arm around Paige's shoulders, "yes she is."

Unlike Darren, Paige took a sip of her water, peering at her best friend over the rim of her glass not knowing how Peyton was going to react.

"What?!" Peyton slammed her hands down on the table so hard a little bit of water in their glasses spilled on the table.

She smiled sheepishly, apologizing to the neighboring tables before she turned her attention back to her best friends.

Darren gave Peyton a nervous smile before he glanced at Paige who had a stiff smile on her lips.

"When did this happen? How did this happen? why didn't you guys tell me!?" Peyton couldn't wrap her head around this, and why was everyone keeping things from her? First, it was her girlfriend, now it was her best friends.

The waiter stopped their table, "would you like me to give you folks a minute?"

Peyton looked up at him with a grateful expression, "please." She turned her attention back to her friends and raised an eyebrow, "well?"

Paige bit her bottom lip nervously, there were only a couple times Peyton has seen her anything but playful so it was a little weird seeing her friend like this.

"You see, I always had a thing for Paige but I wasn't sure she felt the same way," Darren started, "and then when she moved away, I couldn't just let her move without letting her know how I feel." He turned to Paige with a look of adoration in his eyes, "maybe it was the coward way out, telling her how I felt when she had to leave, but hey, better late than never right?"

Paige gave him a shy smile, "I'm glad you did. I guess the saying 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' is true." She looked back at Peyton worried about what she was going to say about the new relationship. Darren and Paige loved each other, but if Peyton was uncomfortable with it, then they wouldn't think twice to break it off.

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