Eraserjoke (Aizawa/Emi)

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A/N happy birthday Joke 💚!

"Papa wake up!" Six-year-old Nemui shook his dad's arm in an attempt to wake him up. Luckily, Shota was on the couch so he didn't have to worry about waking up his mother.

"Mm, what is it." Shota muttered. He was up very late trying to grade papers.

"It's mama's birthday! We have to make her breakfast!" He continued to shake him until he finally sat up. Shota gave a small grin and hugged his son. Nemui giggled and ran off to the kitchen.

"Don't turn the stove on!" He had to tell him this since last year he did turn it on and accidentally burned his hand. The little boy obeyed his father this time and waited patiently.

"What do you want to make?" Aizawa asked.

"Uh... pancakes! Momma loves pancakes!" He shouted with glee.

"Shh, you need to let momma sleep." Both Aizawa boys put a finger to their lips.


After about an hour of failed batter and burnt pancakes, the two had finally finished making breakfast. At this point Emi had woken up and she was watching from the door frame. They turned around and saw the Joke hero smiling brightly at them.

"Good morning." She giggled when her son ran over to her and jumped up into her arms.

"Morning Mamma! Happy birthday!" Emi softly kissed his cheek.

"Thank you! And I see you two made me breakfast as well, thank you very much for that."

"Happy Birthday Em." Shouta kissed his wife and smiled back.

"Gross." Nemui mumbled. Both parents laughed at that.

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