Tamijire (Tamaki/Nejire)

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A/N don't know the actual ship name so tamijire it is. Also I know I have other requests I haven't gotten to, but I really felt like doing a Tamaki/Nejire one bc I don't think I've written them yet.

Soulmate AU: If your soulmate gets a wound, their favorite flower appears on the same spot on your own body.

Unfortunately, on the day the Big three was set for a mission, Tamaki came down with a cold, so instead another year three filled in.

Amajiki had been resting when all of the sudden he felt a strange, soft sensation on his right arm. It wasn't unfamiliar though, he knew what it meant, his soulmate had been hurt, most likely from a blade of some sort. Small blooms of Geranium appeared a bit above his elbow, he gently touched the petals before falling back asleep.

As the day went on a few more flowers grew, some more on his arm, and a small one on his stomach. Luckily none were on his face though, so at least he'd be able to cover them up. He wondered what his soulmate had been doing, this certainly hadn't been the first time they'd gotten wounds like this, and sometimes they'd been worse, maybe they were a hero-in-training like him. Maybe they even went to this school. But Tamaki didn't ponder over it for long, whoever they were he knew he'd probably be too nervous to even talk with them, even if they were meant to be together.


Later on in the day, after resting for a few more hours, Mirio and Neijre came in to check on their friend. But Tamaki noticed something about the blue-haired girl, there was a bandage wrapped around her arm, just above her elbow, the same place were the geraniums grew. Did that mean...

"Hey? Earth to Amajiki! Did you hear anything we just said?" Mirio said, noticing his far off look. They could tell something was off, he wasn't really one to stare.

"Oh- Uh, n-no. Sorry I-I didn't, I'm j-just tired."

"Oh right! Sorry, we can tell you about the mission when you're feeling better!" Nejire beamed before standing up, although when she did she winced and clutched her stomach.

"A-are you okay?"

"Oh yes I'm fine! Got a punch to the stomach, but It's not that bad!" To the stomach, another spot where he'd seen flowers appear. Now that he thought about it, he'd never really examined or cared when the flowers appeared, nor did he realize they came in the same spot where Nejire had been hurt.

"Wait, H-Hado." He called as the two began to walk out.


"W-what's your favorite f-flower?" That was strange of him to randomly ask, but she didn't question it.


A/N okay so this didn't really have much Nejire/Tamaki in it as I meant it to, but I hope you like it and maybe (big maybe, no promises) I'll write a part two.Honestly shouldn't say that because when I do I never follow up lmao.

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