EraserJoke (Aizawa/ Emi)

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Emi Aizawa loved pranks. She especially loved pranking her husband. Shouta Aizawa was not the kind of man who liked pranks, and this made it even better.

But today wasn't just going to be any kind of prank. Oh no, today was going to be a very special prank. 

After a few hours of rigging a box to explode with confetti, she carefully placed it on the black coffee table closest to the door, and waited for her husband to come home.


When Shouta came home, he immediately noticed the brightly colored box that contrasted the dark table. He knew it was from his wife, and he knew it was a prank.

A moment after walking in, Emi came out of their room and ran up to him.

"What's this?" Aizawa asked in his deep, scruffy voice.

"A present! Ya gonna open it?" She said with a cheery tone.


"Oh c'mon, pleaseeee." She cupped her hands and pouted. "I promise you'll like it!"

"It's a prank isn't it."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Just open it."


Aizawa sat down on their couch and carefully opened the box. Emi sat close to him. He lifted the lid- as he expected- Blue and pink confetti burst in his face.

"You wanted me to open this just for that?"

"No silly! There is something else in the box! And I can promise it's not a prank."

Aizawa looked in the box and saw something wrapped in bright green tissue paper. He picked it up and tore the paper. It looked like it could be a shirt but it was far too small, so he unfolded it. It took a moment for Aizawa to register what he was holding in his hands.

A onsie that said, '私の両親はスーパーヒーローです!'

"Y-you're not joking? Are you?" Emi kissed his cheek and smiled.

"No joke this time." Aizawa grinned a rare grin and kissed Emi back, placing his hand on her lower stomach.

"I love you."


私の両親はスーパーヒーローです!(Translation: My parents are superheros!)

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