EraserJoke (Aizawa/Emi)

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A/N even though I have some requests I need to sta- I mean finish... I got an angsty thought and well you can tell what I'm gonna do from the photo.

Art credits to: @Ows28888888 on Twitter

Ms. Joke knew what would happen. She knew one of them would die. It was either her, or Eraserhead.

One of them would die that night.

The villains had powerful quirks, and powerful weapons. There was about forty of them, and backup was running late. At this point they were running on pure adrenaline. The villains had guns, lots of guns. Things were blowing up left and right. The two heros had countless rips and tears in their costumes and skin, their faces also covered in Ash and sweat.

It was getting difficult to see, or stand. They had both lost too much blood. Every entrance was locked and guarded. No way out.

So far about twenty-three of the villains were K.O. but they still didn't stand a chance, not without back up, and that wouldn't arrive for a few more minutes. But by then it would be too late.

After about five more minutes, fifteen more villains were taken down. Mostly because they weren't very strong.

Only two left.

That couldn't be so bad... Right?


Ms. Joke was fighting a very skilled young woman. It seemed as if she knew every fight style there was.

Eraserhead had only just finished off his last villain, but from them he had gotten a few more cuts and bruises. He saw Ms. Joke, not exactly struggling, but not exactly succeeding.  He started to run towards her, so that maybe they could take the woman down together. (At this point, back up had only just arrived since there was another major battle going on far away. So it took up too much of their time. But the other heros still aren't inside the warehouse that they are in)

It would be simple.

But Emi thought Eraser was another villain coming towards her. (A/N her vision is very cloudy/blurry) so she turned around.

But as she did, the female villain took out a dagger, and in Ms. Joke's moment of weakness, she stabbed her  back.

"EMI!" Eraser screamed and ran towards his partner. Blood was covering her body. She had already lost too much.

The villain smirked, then she quickly ran off with ease. Knowing this would bring enough pain to the other hero.

Aizawa placed his arms around Emi, as tears formed in his eyes. He had seen many heros die and suffer. But why did this hurt so much?

"H-hey." Emi said, her voice course and dry.

"Please d-don't c-cry. I-i don't want t-that to be t-the last thing I-i see." The words she spoke broke his heart.

He had always thought she was annoying, not funny, weird and sometimes even unbearable to even be near. But sometimes, now and then, she would be serious. Like, she would just say 'I love you' and not say some joke to go along with it. Still found her annoying though.

"I wanna s-see you laugh." With her last bit of strength, she used her quirk. Now, a smile formed on Aizawa's face. He also gave out a small chuckle. Aizawa didn't have the heart, or strength, to erase her quirk.

"I love you." She muttered. Then his laughter stopped. And her eyes fluttered shut. The tears began rolling down his face.

You never know how much you love someone, until it's too late

A/N suffer

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