Shinsou/Kaminari( Shinsounari)

413 4 8

A/N Do they have a ship name? Idk.

I'm alive. Also, a few updates. I turned 16 in may, woo, I graduated, and now it's summer time and I don't know what I'm going to do Bc I had no idea what sixth form or colleges were here until like, two months ago so I'm kinda fucked. Oh also happy pride from your local stressed Pansexual and non-binary author 💙💛💗  💛🤍💜🖤

"Where have you been?" Shinsou asked while his boyfriend flopped down on the beanbag chair behind him after he entered the room. He'd been gone for hours, which was typical some days due to training, but he knew which days he was doing so and which days he wasn't, today wasn't one of those days. It appeared by the grin on his face that he had done something exciting though.

"I made some new friends!" The blonde beamed, standing up, he crossed the room and pulled his sleeve up a little to show the back of his hand, revealing a symbol drawn on it in sharpie. "They even gave me a friendship symbol and said something about a meeting next week."

There was a few seconds of silence, and slight shock on Shinsou's face before he stood up, grabbing his arm, before announcing,


A/N so I'm thinking about closing requests since I have so many and I don't know what I have or haven't done, and I feel kinda bad Bc I just don't have the motivation to get to them anymore. I haven't really been into
MHA recently but I still want to give updates and do some stuff, so I might keep them open and try since I'm off school, or I'll close them but probably not for good. We'll see.

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