"You don't have to thank me, do you want to talk about it?" I hope she does, I want to know what she dreams about.

"No." She states and I nod. I want to push it further but I know what will happen if I do.

"You look incredibly sexy wearing my shirt." She coos in my ear. She nudges my head with her and brings her lips to my skin. I realize that she brought me her shirt that she wore yesterday and that is why her scent is so heavy in the fabric. My eyes close in response to her plump lips wrapping around my earlobe, gently tugging. I can feel her getting turned on, making me feel drowsy, in an incredible way. Lauren's mood changes so quickly, but this type of mood swing is one that I enjoy.

"Lauren." I chirp and she chuckles against my neck. Her hands travel down my body, she brings her thumb along the waistband of the oversized plaid pajamas. My pulse begins to quicken and I gasp as her hand slides down the front of the pants. She always has the same effect on me, within seconds I feel myself pooling in my panties. Her other hand cups my breast and she hisses as she flicks her thumb over my sensitive nipple, making me glad I decided not to sleep in my bra.

"I can't get enough of you, Camz" her raspy voice is even deeper with lust. Her hand cups me over my panties and pulls me as close to her as possible. I reach down and take her hand, removing it from my pants. When I turn to face her, a frown covers her face.

"I.. I want to do something for you." I whisper slowly, embarrassed.

A smile overtakes the frown and she takes my chin in between her fingers, forcing me to look at her.

"What do you want to do?" She inquires. I don't know exactly, I just know I want to make her feel as good as she does me. I want to see her lose control like I did last weekend, in this same room.

"I don't know.. what do you want me to do?" My lack of experience is evident in my voice. Lauren puts my hands in hers and slides it down to her panties.

"I really want your plump lips down there." I gasp at her words, and feel the pressure in between my thighs.

"Is that something you want?" She asks, her hands moving circles over her center. Her dark eyes regarding me, gaging my reaction. 

I nod and gulp, earning a smile from her. She sits up and pulls me to join her. Nervousness and want both flood through my body. The loud jingle of her ringtone echoes through the room and she groans before snatching it off of the table. Her eyes meet the screen and she sighs.

"I will be right back." She informs me and disappears out of the room. She returns a few minutes later and her mood has changed once more.

"Karen is making breakfast, it's almost finished." She pulls open the dresser and grabs a t-shirt. Tossing it over her head without looking in my direction.

"Okay" I stand up and advance to the door. I need to get back to my room and put a bra on.

"See you downstairs." her tone is emotionless. I swallow the lump rising in my throat. Guarded Lauren is my least favorite Lauren, even less liked than angry Lauren. I nod and walk across the hall. Why can't she just stay in a good mood? I smell the bacon from upstairs and my stomach grumbles. Who called Lauren and why did it make her return to the room so distant?

I put my bra on, and pull the drawstring on the plaid pants as tight as it will go. I contemplate putting my dress back on, but I really don't want to be uncomfortable this early in the morning. My feet carry me to the large mirror on the wall, I run my fingers through my unruly hair and wipe the sleep from my eyes.

As I close the bedroom door, Lauren opens hers. Instead of looking at her, I focus on the wallpaper and walk forwards down the hall. I can hear her steps behind me, when I reach the staircase her hand wraps around my elbow, pulling me gently.

"What's wrong?" She asks. Worry seems to be clouding her features.

"Nothing Lauren." I snap. I am overly emotional and I haven't even had breakfast yet.

"Tell me." She demands, she dips her head down so that her face is in full view.

I give in. "Who called you?"

"No one." She lies.

"Was it Molly?" I don't want to know the answer.

She doesn't say anything, her expression gives away that I am right. She left the room as I was about to.. do that to her .. to answer a phone call from Molly? I should be more surprised than I am. 

"Camila, It's not.." She begins. I pull my arm from her grip and she clenches her jaw.

"Hey guys." Ally appears in the hall and I smile. Her hair is sticking up slightly and she is wearing plaid pants similar to mine. She looks adorable and sleepy. I pass Lauren and move towards Ally. I refuse to let Lauren know how embarrassed and hurt I am by her answering Molly's call while with me.

"How did you sleep last night?" Ally asks and I follow her down the stairs, leaving a frustrated Lauren to herself.

Karen has went all out on breakfast, I knew she would. Lauren joins us at the table a few minutes later.  I decide on eggs, bacon, toast, a waffle and a few grapes to fill my plate.

"Thank you so much for making this breakfast for us." I tell Karen on Lauren and I's behalf. I know Lauren won't be bothered with thanking her.

"It is my pleasure dear, how did you sleep? I hope the storm didn't keep you awake." She smiles. 

Lauren tenses beside me, she must be worried I will mention her nightmare. She should know by now I would never do that.

"I slept great actually, I sure didn't miss my bed in my dorm." I laugh and everyone joins me, except Lauren of course. She takes a drink of her orange juice and keeps her eyes focused on the wall. Mindless breakfast chatter fills the dining room as Mike and Ally banter about a football game.

"If you don't mind me asking, is that a greenhouse in the backyard?" I ask Karen and help her clean up the kitchen once again. Lauren surprises me by hovering in the doorway, not offering to help of course, just watching me.

"Yes, it is. I haven't done much with it this year but I absolutely love gardening. You should have seen it last summer." she smiles. "Do you like to garden?"

"Oh yes, my mother has a greenhouse out back as well and it was where I spent most of my free time as a child."

"Really? Well maybe if you two come around more often, we could make something out of mine." She offers. She is so kind, and loving. Everything I wish I had in a mother.

"That would be lovely." I smile and Lauren clears her throat. We both turn to look at her.

"We should get going soon." Lauren says and I frown. I knew my time here would end but it has been such a nice departure from my normal life, no lists, no alarms, no obligations. I am not ready for it to end. She disappears and returns minutes later with my clothes and purse in her hands, holding out my toms from my purse. It's a little discomforting that she went through my things but I overlook it. We say our goodbyes and I hug Karen and Ken while Lauren waits impatiently by the door. I promise them that we will return soon, hoping that it will come true.

After (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now