Chapter 17

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"The weak shall fall, and I shall crush them. Oh how I love that quote. You may already consider yourself dead; I'm going to rip your hair out, I'm going to make you bleed, I'm going to make sure that when I knock you out cold, I'll keep on kicking, and punching, and maiming you. You know why, Paige? It's because in this world, this bitter, bitter world, there's no room for weaklings. The moment we are in that ring you better be praying to your God that you make it out alive; I have no damned intentions on letting you out of that ring without having gone through one of the most difficult and brutalizing matches of you will ever have. I am going to ruin you. I am going to make you wish you never started wrestling. I am going to make you regret ever backstabbing me. You crossed the line, there's no return, and you will pay."

Paige skipped around the ring once before Turing to the titantron, "Dakota, look, I don't know why we have to be enemies! What's wrong with being friends?"

Dakota let out a frightening laugh that resembled that of a witches cackle. "Our friendship ended when we fought in that bar."

"You need help, look at yourself! You've gone bloody mental!"

"No, no I don't. What I need is for you to be beaten to a bloody pulp."

Stephanie lifted her mic "You two will get your match for the Divas title, but your contract signing will be later tonight. I suggest you get down to the arena immediately, Ms. Skyes."

Dakota gave them a smile, "See you then."

The screen went black, The Shield and Stephanie left the ring and everyone prepared for the next match that was about to happen.



"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back for the contact signing for Paige and Dakota. You'll be able to relive this moment on the WWE Network for only $9-"

"Shut it Cole." Corey snapped into his mic.

"As I was saying, you can relive-" Michael began his annoying robot like speech, trying to shove WWE's newest franchise down viewers' throats.

"If you continue with that crap, I won't hesitate to knock you out." Corey cut him off again, leaning against the ring's ropes.

Michael didn't make a move to continue.

Dakota took a seat directly across from Paige at the big rectangular desk placed in the center of the squared circle.

Behind Paige were the Shield members, standing like statues but ready to fight at any moment, and Stephanie McMahon and Triple H.

"Sign it." Stephanie slammed a pen next to Dakota's hand.

Dakota merely gave a half assed laugh.

"You do realize that I'm not stupid, and I'm going go through this before I sell my soul to the devil, right?"

She flipped through the stapled pages, analyzing each word. Of course there was something that the winner got, the precious Divas Title, but what unnerved her the most was what would happen to the loser.

The loser will not be a contender for the WWE Divas Championship Title for a year.

She looked up at Paige, "I'm sorry."

Paige stared, confused.

"I'm sorry that you won't get a title shot for a year. Damn that's gonna suck."

Dakota picked up the pen and signed the document, passing the pen to Paige when she was done.

Paige signed the contract quickly trying to deter the fact that she was fuming about Dakota's taunts.

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