Chapter 10

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"You aren't going to retain that title."

Dakota sighed, stopped lacing up her boots, and looked up to see Corey. He kept telling her that she would lose, and she was starting to wonder as to whether or not he was right. She had been getting contantly tormented by Corey.

She stood up, "And what if I lose? Would that make you happy? Would that give you sort of sick and twisted satisfaction?"

He smiled, "Actually, it just might."

"Whatever. Come on, you have a match in, like, fifteen minutes. We need to get down to Gorilla Position!"

She began to push him out of the locker room, but he spun around. "What? No good luck kiss?"

"Nope," she smirked, "you most definitely don't deserve a kiss. I'll be damned if I don't retain this title."

Corey rolled his eyes and pushed past her.








Their relationship didn't bother a lot of people. Then again, a lot of people didn't know what went has happened between them. The only person who seemed on the fence about them dating was Roman.
No, Roman wasn't jealous.
No, he wasn't a hate filled person.
However, he was worried.

It seemed as though he was the only one who saw Corey for the monster that he really was. Dakota was like a sister to him, he didn't want her to get hurt more than she already was.
He just wanted her to be happy and perfectly fine.

The Shield members, excluding Dakota, knew about Corey's plan, but nobody else knew.
That's where it comes into questioning.
Why wouldn't they tell Dakota? Especially Roman...
Corey could easily blackmail them or even spread rumors that could get them fired. He had everyone wrapped around his finger, yet nobody knew.
Is it that they were too naïve and ignorant, or was it the mere fact that nobody cared enough to notice?

Nonetheless, it was inevitable that Corey's sick experiment would spiral out of control at some point. How could he expect someone to be put under constant stress and abuse, yet not end up going insane?
Maybe he had an idea of what might happen, but his plan clearly wasn't thought out completely.

The consequences weren't put into consideration.
The hurt, fear and insanity weren't even thought about.
Those things were crucially important, but ignored.

And everything- everything has a consequence.

Yet here Dakota and him were. Dating while Roman and the others kept their mouths shut, watching the complete and utter propaganda of Corey's "affection and love" towards her slowly but surely win her heart, but that heart would end up being broken.











"Oh look at that!" Michael Cole shouted as Dakota jumped off if the top rope, preforming a modified version of Justin Gabriel's 450 Splash.

Paige was now on the mat, seemingly paralyzed.

Chants filled the arena, but Dakota didn't here what they were saying.
Everything seemed to be moving so quickly. Her adrenalin was pumping, she was ecstatic.
She was wrestling live on the biggest Wrestling Pay Per View and defending her championship.
It felt so surreal.

She crawled over to Paige's unmoving body and went for the three count.

Dakota counted in her head while the ref shouted.

The three count. She won.
She had won against Paige.
Nothing felt better than this moment. Noting.

This is what she had been working towards since she was a teen, and now it was reality.
Not only was she the WWE Divas Champion, but retained it against a strong competitor, and she was doing so at Wrestle Mania.

Confetti and string landed in random spots around the arena. There was a mixture of cheers and boos from the fans, but that didn't bother her.

It didn't matter then that she hated the way the belt and division gave off too much of a weak vibe. She won.

She won.












*4 Weeks later*

"Maybe if you stopped being a bitch we wouldn't be fighting like this! Maybe if you were a decent wrestler, we would've won that match! I can't believe you!"

Dakota and Corey were fighting again.
Their screaming and yelling was conspicuous, and every time he shoved her into a wall or slapped her, it was painfully loud.
Nevertheless, she would get another batch of bruises and cuts, but the anger and adrenaline took over. She didn't feel the pain emotionally or psychically.
She felt something much stronger than that- yes much, much stronger, powerful even.
She felt rage and so much pent up disgust towards him.
They lost their mixed tag team match, but it wasn't her fault. The fault could easily be shared between the two, but he was too pigheaded to understand that.
Up until a few days ago, everything seemed to go back to normal.
No unneeded drama, no fights with Corey, nothing seemed to be terrible at all.
But things don't always stay the same.
Yes, she wished everything was perfect, but it wasn't.
No matter how much she tried to fix things, it seemed to make everything worse.
Corey didn't want to listen to what she had to say. No, he thought he was right and everyone else was wrong.
And to add on to the fights and abuse, she started to feel the stress that came with being on the road.
The stress had started making it hard for her to sleep, but it didn't matter because this is how she had spent her nights for the past week or so.

She was most certainly angry, but she had seemed to have snapped. Usually, she would just back down, but tonight? Tonight she was fighting back, hitting, kicking, screaming at him...

"I'm sorry that I'm not up to your standards, but don't you even blame this on me!"

He glared at her, "It is your fault! You can't do anything right! I don't understand what the hell your problem is! Yeah you've got a title. A Divas title that doesn't take much to get, so congratulations on that, Sweetheart! You act like you're top dog, but you're not. So when you feel like getting you're act together, then we won't fight."

Dakota lost all of self control.
She picked up the glass cup that was near her and threw it at him, but it hit the wall beside his head.
"Get out." She said calmly, sitting down on a chair."
He looked at her, speechless.
"I told you to get out. Grab your stuff and find somewhere else to stay. I'm not dealing with your crap tonight."

He shook his head, going to grab his suitcases, "You're going to regret this, you are, Sweetheart."
Dakota told him!
Who's side are you on?
Team Corey
Team Dakota


7 V O T E S
4 C O M M E N T S

Sorry that I didn't update, I've been really busy!


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