Chap 12 [Preview]

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Well, well.... Looks like more people have written Corey Graves Fanfiction.
Just remember that I was the first one to even write a fanfiction about him on Wattpad.
I'm pretty proud of myself.
Now onto the story...
Corey sighed, running his hand across his face. "How could you be such an idiot?" He mumbled shaking his head.

Dakota stared out the window of the car watching the rain fall in an angry pounding beat.
"I did what I thought was right, and now I get a break. I have my title, that's all that matters to me right now."

The car stopped at a red light, "Well, I'm going with you. You're too much trouble, and I don't really trust you alone."

Dakota laughed, "No. You're going to stay on your with the guys."

"You're too much trouble. I don't trust you alone."

"Fine. You can go with. We're leaving tomato morning, so be up and ready by 5, or I'm leaving your ass here."

"Where the hell is he?" Dakota paved in the hotel lobby waiting for Corey to show up.

She caught sight of him walking into the hotel, and stormed over to him, furious.
"Where the hell have you been?"

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "None of your damn business."

"Well we have to get going, is your stuff in the rental?"

"Yes, and before you ask, yes I'm driving, and yes, I got you coffee." He handed her a cup of coffee.

She smiled, "Thanks, dork."

"Whatever." he mumbled as they made their way out of the hotel..


I haven't had time to update, so I've been freaking out.
I hope you guys don't hate me!
I am giving you all a preview of the chapter because I'm horrible, and I love torturing you guys.

Is there anyone that you want to see in the chapter?
C O M M E N T!!!!

Chapter will be posted by this Thurday!

Love, Emily

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