Chapter 5

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The next few weeks were incredibly repetitive for both Corey as Dakota. Gym, work, sleep, gym, sleep, gym, work, sleep, and so on. That what the did on a regular basis, but it was still tiring.
Their busy schedule was to prepare them for Hell in a Cell, so even though they were constantly running around, it was of good reason.
Corey was supposed to go against Randy Orton for the WWE Championship Title, while Dakota was supposed to go against AJ Lee for her title.
There was only one problem. Hell in a Cell was in 2 weeks, and Creative couldn't make up their minds as to which diva they wanted going after the title. Half of them wanted Brie Bella to get the title shot, and the other half sided with Dakota.
The only reason why they were thinking about giving Brie the match was because of petty reality TV show, Total Divas. If she was given that match it would only promote the show, nothing more. That also meant that if Brie won the Divas Championship, the title would literally become worthless. What would a belt, a name, a title, used to promote a reality TV show be worth?
Nothing, nothing at all.
Dakota had tried changing people's minds so she would get the match that she deserved. Besides, as the top face diva in the company, she needed it more than anything. That belt would be perfect for her character.
However, she had a feeling Creative would be stupid. If they were there would be definite hell to pay.


Three days later Stephanie McMahon announced that Brie Bella accompanied by Eva Marie and Nikki would go against AJ Lee who would be accompanied by Layla and Tamina.
Corey heard the news and could only imagine Kota's rampage that would follow.
He wasn't shocked about the decision, though. Creative loved to promote things through matches. A perfectly annoying example of that was the John Cena vs Daniel Bryan match at Wrestle Mania. He rolled his eyes at the thought of that horribly boring match.
Corey opened the door to Dakota sitting on a couch watching TV and eating an apple.
"What's up?" She asked, her eyes never leaving the TV's screen.
"So Creative decided who is going against AJ..." He trailed off and put his phone on the countertop.
She turned around, eyebrows raised, "Really? 'Lemme guess, Daniel's Bitch got it?"
"Yep." Was all he said as he sat down next to her.
A sadistic smirk was plastered to her face, and she started to laugh. It was like there was a silent joke that he didn't hear.
Corey furrowed his eyebrows in slight concern. "You ok? I know you just lost you title match and all, but you're acting just a bit crazy."
She looked at him, still smirking. "Honestly, I had a feeling that they would give the whore that match. Just for marketing, right? Well, mark my words, all hell will be let loose. It might not go down now, but eventually, at the right place, at the right time, it will happen. This is the start of a war. And I don't plan on loosing. They knew I deserved that match, yet they give it to her anyways."
"What are you planning on doing exactly?" He questioned her. He was amused that she had back up plan to get her revenge.
"You'll find out." Was all she said as she began watching TV acting as if everything that had just taken place had never happened.



RAW, 3 Weeks Later

Dakota had a match against Tamina and she had to appear on Miz TV as well.
The script was that the Miz was supposed to show pictures of Corey and her together, and then he and the Shield would come out and threaten him to mind his own business or else, and then leave.
Management, however seemed to be rushing the storyline, and it had been about 6 months since their debut, but Dakota managed to be the top face diva, ranking along Cena, while Corey was in the best heel group in WWE.
"Miz TV live in 5" some fat bald man from the Tech Crew yelled as the Miz walked past her, an arrogant smirk plastered to his rat like face. Oh how she wanted to slap the look right off of him.
A few minuets later the Miz was and announced her as his special guest.
Her music filled the arena as she slid into the ring.
She sat down on the leather couch leaning back on the cushions behind her.
"All right Skyes, you're debut in WWE was what, 7 months ago?"
"Six. Six months ago." She corrected him.
"Whatever, anyways you are still considered a 'Newbie' in the locker room. However, you sure as hell aren't being treated like one!"
The crowd booed him, as Dakota lifted a mic to her lips.
"Mike, we all know I'm not being treated like a newbie because I'm just that good."
"I guess you're ok... But I wonder what the fans think of you.."
The crowd cheered, hooting, hollering, and whistling.
"It seems that I happen to be Fan Favorite right now. I'm not going to be cocky and say every fan likes me, but I'm sure that most do. Why'd you ask?"
He smirked again, she glared at him. If looks could kill, he'd definitely be six feet under the damned ground.
"Well I was wondering what the fans would do once they found out who you've been...." He trailed off, pondering his choice of words for a moment, "Oh I've got a good one! The person you've been whoring around with."
Following script, Dakota began to shift uncomfortably before answering. "I can assure you I have been," she cleared her throat, "seeing anyone."
He raised an eyebrow, "Really? Really? Really? You know you're caught. I gave proof, all thanks to AJ Lee, the lovely cast of Total Divas, and Tamina Sunka."
The titanitron lit up and there was multiple photos of her and Corey kissing as well as them walking around places.
"You know what Miz? I feel a bit stalked right now. I mean, these girls wanted revenge on me for being a better diva than them so the decided to stalk me. Absolutely ridiculous!"
Do you? I have a feeling you're changing the subject Skyes. So give me an answer. No, wait! Give your poor fans an answer."
I don't have to explain shi-" she was cut off.
Corey walked down the ramp with Dean, Seth, and Roman. They all had microphones in their hands.
Of course, Corey was the first on to say something.
"You know Miz, it's ah, quite rude to intrude on other people's lives. Miss perfect over there," he pointed towards Dakota who had silently crept towards a corner in the ring.
"Yeah her, I don't think that you should intrude on her privacy like that."
Dean had a sickening sadistic smile the crept onto his face, "In fact, we consider it to be worthy enough to be put in the category of Injustice."
In a split second the guys were going at Miz as if he was their prey and they were a pack of bloodthirsty and savage wolves.
This isn't part of the script, Dakota thought.
This isn't on script!
The scene in front of her both sickened and shocked her. As sadistic as she was, this was an act out of nowhere. No revenge was involved, nothing that would have made them plan this out. She slid out of the ring and ran up the ramp to go backstage. She was absolutely mortified, tears were rolling down her face, making her feel weak and petty.
She had been in the Indies and in NXT, she's seen friends of hers get the shit beaten out of them, but they always deserved it.
This was different. The shield was out for blood, and Corey, the sweet and caring person she had grown to know, was a part of it. She suddenly felt like she was going to puke at the thought of speaking to him, but she knew that she had to tell someone something.
For now, she could just be quiet a d obey what she's told and there won't be any problems. She no longer felt safe around the Hounds of Justice.


So Dakota is literally horrified of Corey and the Shield.
I don't blame her!
Poor Kota!
Ok does anyone like my new cover?!
It took me 2 hours.
Anyways I wrote this chapter while I was on a plane.
Ok so yeah...

5 Votes before the next chapter!

Love, Emii❤

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