Chapter 18

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"I have been in hell for the past few weeks."

The crowd roared with excitement; Dakota stood in the center of the ring looking deranged.

"I want revenge more than ever. I will not stop..." She started shaking, it was almost as if she was possessed.

"I want revenge on the authority and I want revenge on Corey." She laughed bitterly, twirling the microphone.

His theme hit and he walked out.



1 Week Earlier:

Dakota stood at the bar and ordered herself a drink. Something caught her attention.

Corey and Paige.

He had been igniting her texts since she got out of the hospital, and now she knew why.

She stormed out of the bar, got in her car and drove to back to her spare apartment.

She almost looked as though she was having a spas attack, eye twirling and muttering things that would be considered indecipherable to many a man.


"He's gonna pay. He's gonna pay. Hess gonna pay."

He's gonna pay


"Did you see her too?" Paige looked paler than usual, the rosiness in her cheeks, gone.

"Maybe it wasn't her?" Corey pondered on this for a moment, but then shook his head taking another swig of his beer.

"We're lucky she didn't come over here. The crazy bitch could've killed us."

Paige laughed a little. "Maybe, I just don't want her screwing what we have up."

He wrapped an arm around her, "I don't really go for crazy chicks."




Present time

"Dakota, why are you doing this?"

Follow the script, the script, the script.

"Why don't you and screw Paige back stage, huh? I know what you've been doing while I've been gone!" She accused him, screeching the words like a banshee.

He gave her a pleading look. "You're acting crazy!"

"Oh Corey... You say I'm crazy because you don't think I know what you've done." She gave him an innocent smile and paved the ring slowly.

"Look I'm sorry, we can work this out, can't we?"

She cackled and shook her head, looking at the ground. Now was her chance, if she would get to make him look like a fool, she'd take it.

"No." It came out in a quick, brusque tone. She slowly lifted her head, looking right at him with a face of stone.

"Come on, look at what we've done together, you can't just leave me. You know you love me."

"It was never anything more that scripted love. "

Her music was cued, and she turned and left the stage.

A few people stopped to congratulate her on her acting.

She muttered a few thank you's before hurry on her way to grab her stuff an love the arena.


"You're a real bitch, you know that?" Paige glared at her from across the locker room.

Dakota shrugged, "whatever. Have fun with my ex." she added a quite "whore" before walking out of the room and towards the exit.

She just wanted to leave. Sure she got her 'revenge,' but she was still harassed by Paige.

She sighed as she put her keys into the ignition.






Sort of a shot chapter.

I have been losing so many readers... Next chapter isn't going to be happy.

Sorry for your feels.

How do you feel about Dakota right now?

Love you guys.


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