Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Paige!" Dakota shouted looking for Paige, who was supposed to be her ride back to the hotel. Her and Paige had been friends since they were in 5th grade, and now they were both working together in NXT.

Her pone went off with a ding, signaling that someone had text her, she looked at it.

Da! I'm leaving right now. You got 5 min. before I leave the parking lot. You better make a run from it.

~XOXOX Your Brit Bitch

Dakota rolled her eyes, the only way she could get to the car was if she ran. There wasn't anybody backstage right now, so why not?

She ran past the locker rooms until she fell onto some guy.

"Ugh. Watch where you're going whore." Corey snapped at the person who fell on him. He shoved them off and looked down at who fell. It was one of the Divas, one of the ones that was friends with that British Diva, Paige and Dakota was there names. He really didn't care much for the divas division, they were only there because the were hot, they were just a distraction to him getting into WWE. He didn't need distractions

"Sorry, didn't see you there." She groaned in pain. Of course out of everyone she had ran into Corey Graves, the heel of NXT, and probably the only guy who hated the divas division.

He glared at her and muttered a whatever before walking away towards the exit.

"Sure don't help me up." she whispered getting up and dusting the back of her shorts off, before running out to find Paige's car before she got stuck having to walk a mile in the rain at 11 o'clock at night, through a downtown Albany, to get to the where her hotel was.

She definitely didn't want to do that.

Dakota spotted the car and ran towards it, knocking on the window for Paige to o'clock the door.

She got into the car, and they started to drive off, only to get cut off my Corey's truck. Paige slammed her foot on the breaks on hit the car's horn. "Fucking arse! Watch where you're going!" She screamed, sticking her hand out of the window and flipping him off.

He sped off, leaving Paige in a fit of road rage.

Dakota chuckled a bit, which caused Paige to send her a glare.

The ride to the hotel was immensely quiet until Paige decided to break it. "So why were you ten minuets late, you do realize that you're lucky that I didn't leave without you."

Dakota sighed and looked at Paige, "I ran into Corey, and kinda fell on him."

"Hahaha wow, he must have been immensely happy!" She said sarcastically.

"Oh totally! What's his problem anyways? Like I haven't even talked to him!" Dakota said waving her hands in the air.

"No clue... I guess he sees divas as sluts and whores."

"He seems to have respect for you though." Dakota replied, shaking her head.

"Probably because I'm the first NXT Women's Champion. Anyways when are you going to debut on RAW?" Paige said, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible.

Dakota stared out her window, "I think in like two weeks... NXT is supposed to announce that I'm going to debut. OH did you hear that one of the guys is gonna debut too?" Dakota said excitedly.

"Oh yeah I heard about that! Hopefully Sammi will get in, he's got so much potential."

"I know right! So are we rooming together, or are you with Sasha?"

"I'm with Sasha, but whatever guy you're rooming with gives you trouble, you stay with us!"

Dakota's jaw dropped, "Um did you just say guy?"

"Yeah I did, why do you look like you're about to scream?"

"I don't want to room with a guy! What if I get stuck with like Corey!" She whined.

"I can asure that won't happen!"

"Fine, but if it is Corey I get 20 bucks." Dakota mumbled under her breath.

"Deal." Paige laughed. She parked the car in the parking lot outside of the hotel that they had to stay in for the rest of the week.

Dakota got out and grabbed her bags out of the trunk.

Once they both got checked into the hotel, Dakota ran off in search of her room. When she found it, she opened the door, non other that Corey Graves was sitting on the couch near the door on his phone.

"Not you again." He said glaring at her.

"Look who's gotta deal with me for a week!" she replied walking over to the closest room, setting her bags on the bed.

"Ah, no. That's the only room, and I was here first." He shouted.

"Well then, I'll just have to change that." She yelled back, picking up his bags and throwing them into the hallway. "Corey you get the couch."

"Nope. Remember you have to deal with me too. I will not let you have that room, it's mine."

"Not anymore!" She screamed, hoping onto the bed.

He walked into the room and sat on the bed next to her."I'm not leaving until you get out of this room."

"Well, that makes two of us." she glared at him.

"Whatever." He muttered.

"What was that?" She taunted trying to get on his nerve.

"What was what bitch?" He asked, turning his head and so he could see her.

"You got part of that wrong, first off my name is Dakota, and second, I'm not a bitch, I'm a classy bitch." She replied smirking.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the remote, turning on the T.V.

"Oh! Give me the remote! I want to watch a movie!"

Like he ws going to give her the remote, she'd probably just watch something like The Notebook or The Titanic.

"Why should I give you the remote?"

"Because I want to watch The Avengers." She said leaning back on the pillows.

"I thought girls, especially preppy, high maintenance girls like you didn't like superhero movies."

"Wow, that's a new low Core. Don't stereotype me. I'm a superhero geek, I love horror movies, and I'm not afraid to get dirty."

He ignored the nickname that she had just given him, "What do you mean by 'getting dirty'?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not like that!" She felt her face begin to heat up.

"We'll see about that."

She gave him a questioning look, and he shook his head, playing it off.

He put on the Avengers and Dakota leaned onto him, not noticing that she was. However, Corey did, and he didn't move. In fact, he put his arm around her shoulders.

She closed hre eyes and quickly fell asleep next to him. He looked down at her, part of him wanted to love her, but another part of him knew that she was just a distraction, that he should just hate her. He gave in and wrapped is arms around her, falling asleep as well.


Hey it's me the author of the Sheamus fanfic Love You, Hate You...

Anyways I wrote this because of my new found love for Corey Graves!

Nobody has written a fanfic on him, so I decided to be the first!

Don't worry! This is only the first chapter! There will be More!



~Emily Claire

Scripted Love (A Corey Graves Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now