Chapter 14

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Aye! We're close to being about halfway through with the book! I'm planning on 30-35 chapters.

Don't you forget to COMMENT!


"Three more days until I'm off suspension.. Steph's still pissed at me, and the guys are going to tear you apart when we get back."

"Don't even remind me, Princess." Corey sighed.

"Yeah, yeah." She replied.

He turned off his phone and looked directly towards Dakota. "So, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now," he paused, and she raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to continue, "would you, Kota, go on a date with me?"

She laughed, and stopped after a moment."Wait... You're serious?" He nodded.

"A date couldn't hurt, where are we going?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out."
She stopped her foot on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest. "That's no fair, Corey! I need to know how to dress." She whined.

He shrugged, "Just dress nice, I guess."
She groaned, "You're so helpful."
"Only for you."


"Stephanie, there you are! I- well, we've been wanting to talk to you." Dean motioned to Roman and Seth next to him, "I have a proposal for you. I need to know if you have any interest in it."
"I can only imagine what kind of sick, twisted plan you have concocted in that brain of yours, Ambrose. What do you want?"

Roman cleared his throat, Dean glared at him, and began to tell his plan. "We understand that Dakota left on bad terms with you, and that you want revenge on her for embarrassing you at your own show?" Stephanie nodded.
"Great. If you don't know this, our teammate left us without a word to stay with he while she was on suspension. We're pissed, and we want him out of the shield. You're the only one who can make that decision, and I know full well that you think Corey being part of our team is helping sales, and gain more viewers-"

"Ambrose, just get to the point." She cut him off.
"We want Corey out of the shield-"
"No. That isn't going to happen."
She turned around ready to walk away from them.
"We'll take down Dakota at her return if we get to take down Corey as well. We just want to get rid of him, and by getting rid of her, embarrassing her at her return, you'd get your revenge."
Stephane pondered over this idea for a moment, "I like the way you think, Ambrose. I'll allow it, but this will not be spoken about to anyone."
She spun on her heel and and made her way over to her husband's office.

"I still feel like this is a bad idea." Roman muttered as they made their way opposite of where Stephanie was going.
"Roman, just think of it as us trying to save our careers. Corey's untrustworthy, and he's hurting our team, this was the only way to get him out." Seth reasoned with him.
"I- fine..."
"Now they're returning Monday night, so when we're out there with her while she's cutting a promo on Boss Lady, we attack."
"I guess I gotta do what's best for the team."






"Well don't you look stunning, babe." Corey eyed her as she waltzed into the living room.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, "I know, I know. You don't look so bad yourself, Graves, now can we please get going? I'm starving!"
"Sure thing, Sweetheart."



Dakota searched through the menu, mumbling about how pricey and fattening the food was.
Corey chuckled to himself watching as she subconsciously twirled her light blonde hair around her finger.
She was beautiful, and found himself to being doubting whether or not he wanted to go through with his plan.

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