Ch 24: Thunder

Começar do início

"Thanks," I mumble.

"Here, let's look at the view," he suggested. He guided me to the edge of the roof. It was beutiful up here. I could see the entire city and town. The lights and flashes, pink, yellow, and blue, highlighting the central part of Shadyside. Then there was the quiet and peacful town surrounding the city.

"It's beautiful, Tj. I can see everything from up here!" I shouted in joy. Tj laughed and went behind me. I felt his arms wrap themselves around my waist pulling me closer to him. My back was against his chest.

"It's what you do, and what happens right now, that is important to me," he stated.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Be with each other....that's all I want."

"But you no that won't happen...that can't happen..." I muttered sadly.

"I know. It won't get better, especially with my dad."

"I wish all problems could just disappear." I stated.

"I don't."

"Why?" I asked, curious of his answer.

"If there was never the Buffy playing basketball problem, my math problem, and you forgetting your textbook....We would never be here together like this," Tj exclaimed.

"That' did you even remember all of that?"

"Because, you get me to do things I'd never do," he answered. We continued you hold each other as we watched the city.


Lightning had struck, sending the sound of thunder in every direction. Little droplets splashed against me, then it turned into a hard rain.

"It's raining." I mumbled.

"Stating the obvious?" Tj asked.

"I'm saying, we should go. We could get sick," I stated. Tj turned me to face him.

"I'm already lovesick for you,"

"That was just corny!" I laughed. Tj laughed with me, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he placed his hands on my bottom, carrying me. My hands were in his sloppy blonde hair. Foreheads, against each others.

"There are no describe how much I love you," Tj exclaimed.


"If I had one hour to live, I'd spend it with you..." I muttered. Tj looked into my eyes smiling. He was still carrying me, us still in the rain. He laughed, then started to spin in circles.

"TJ! STOP!" I whined, laughing.

"It doesn't sound like you want me to stop!" He replied, stopping.


"Kiss me," I mumbled. Tj smiled and leaned in, smashing his lips against mine. I could taste his chapstick, the flavor of him, I felt like I had it all. We separated.

"Wow...I...I'm speechless," Tj mumbled. He sat me down, and I laid on my back, looking up, letting the rain wash me. I looked over to see Tj do the same. We were laying side by side. I reached over to him, and intertwined our fingers. We stayes there.


I woke up, my eyes adjusting to the sun. Tj was still beside me. He was asleep. I must've fallen asleep last night with him. I sat up and got my phone out. 9:00 ....I was so dead! My mom is probably freaking out! I checked my phone app and see, 7 missed calls!

"TJ, WAKE UP!" I shouted, shaking him awake.

"What!?" He whined.

"IT'S NINE IN THE MORNING!" I yelled. His eyes went open with shock and fear.

"Crap," I said under his breath. He got up, pulling me up with him. We hurried down the ladder. Tj kept apologizing, me telling him, it was okay. Once we were on the ground again, Tj was staring towards the street.

"What is i-"

"Amber?" Tj asked, cutting me off. I looked where he was, seeing the blonde girl standing there crying.

"I knew you'd be here......"

(A/N) Thx 4 reading Ch 24! This has been my fav chapter to write so far! Make sure to vote, and comment on ur fav parts! Check out z-zoomers & tyrus_4_life, they are awsome! See ya guys next time!

Ch 25 Sneak Peek:

"Are you gonna go to school?" I asked him.

"Should I? After everything, my dad could be waiting there!" He stated.

"I'll cover for you! I'll tell him that you are at your friends house. He wouldn't dare make a scene infront of people like that!" Amber exclaimed. I looked at Tj then Amber. This plan could end up happily, a fire!

.................To be Continued..................

I'm Yours...Truly | Tyrus Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora