Ch 20: I Want To Hate You

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   (A/N) The long awaited update is hear! Finally, you get another chapter! Anyway, enjoy....

      It was Thursday, two days after Tj told me he no longer liked me. I was currently eating a poptart watching Netflix. There was about 10 minutes left before I had to leave for school. I don't really want to go. I wouldn't be able to look at Tj in the face. I already avoided him yesterday!

After finishing my poptart, I decided it was time to go to school. I was walking down the streets, until stopping in front of Buffy's house. She hurriedly walked towards me with a panicked expression.

"Hey Cyrus, are you sure you want to go to school!?" She asked, worried for me.

"Yeah. I can handle Tj...I think," I mumbled, unsure of myself.

"It sure doesn't sound like it,'Buffy laughed.

"Well it's gonna look like it later!" I stated. Buffy side eyed me. A small smile than appeared on her face. We started walking more.

Once we were at school, I headed straight towards my locker. I wanted to get to class as fast as possible, trying to avoid Tj. I was successful.

I sat down in my seat for first period. I made sure not to look over to the right, where Tj sat. I tried my best, but I eventually glanced over. He was looking at his notebook, gloomy and upset.

I looked back at what the teacher was talking about. It was really hard to focus. I caught Tj looking at me several times. Luckily, he never caught me looking.

Once class was over, I hurried away, but the bad thing was that Tj had the same idea, and we ended up bumping into each other, my books going across the floor. I got on my knees, and gathered them, but one book was missing. A figure then stepped in front of me.

"Here," Tj mumbled. I slowly grabbed the book out of his hand, and proceeded into the hall. That was weird. He acted like he didn't want to help me, but his eyes were longing to see me. The way they shined and sparkled in the light, I miss it.

"Hey Cy," Jonah exclaimed, approaching me.

"Hi Jonah."

"I was just wondering if you're okay. I'm also very sorry, I...slapped Tj in the face." He stated.

"It's fine Jonah, he deserved it a little. Plus this is the third time you apologized," I replied. Jonah started walking faster than me all of a sudden. He stopped at my locker and opened it!

"There you go!" Jonah exclaimed.

"How do you know my combination?" I asked, confused and slightly worried.

"Well all those times I was here to talk to you, I kinda just memorized what you put for the lock combo," He answered, slightly blushing.

"That's 85% sweet, 15% creepy!" I laughed.

"Hey, 85% isn't bad!" Jonah shouted, with a smirk.

"I guess not. Hey, can I ask you something!?"

"Sure!" Jonah replied.

"So...can you tell if someone likes you, by the way they look at you?"

"Hmm, well you liked me, so what look did you give me?"

"Like you were a demi god sent from the sun. Like you were a being of happiness, and a ray of joy." I muttered.

"Oh, well that's pretty descriptive. I can't believe I never noticed. I'm super flattered though! It definitely helped my self esteem." Jonah stated.

"Yeah...I prolly shouldn't have told you all that, but at least it made you fell better!" I laughed, scratching the back of my head. I grabbed my things and left, saying a goodbye to Jonah.

~ At Lunch ~

I sat down at our usual table. Andi sooned followed. Then it was Buffy, then Jonah. Andi and Buffy were chatting about social media, while Jonah was on his phone. I was doing nothing, staring off into space, thinking.

I didn't feel like eating today. I didn't even buy a chocolate chocolate chip muffin! I left my wallet at home, mostly because I got use to Tj paying for me. Also, the muffin reminded me of him. The way Tj would held my hand under the table while he kept looking at me, like I was some shiny trophy he had won. Now...I'm just a dull, broke plaque he had lost.

"Cryus, don't look behind you." Buffy told me.

"It's fine Buffy! I can handle seeing Tj!" I proclaimed. I turned around to see Tj, but with the girl from that time he said he didn't like me. They were holding hands. Not intertwined, but still cupping each others. They walked to the table with Tj's friends. I turned around slowly.

"That Bit-"

"Dirtbag!" Andi shouted, cutting off Jonah, who was about to curse.

"Are you okay Cyrus?" Jonah asked with a worried face, placing his hand on my arm. I gave him a smug look. Pretending to smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I didn't want them to now how much I actually missed Tj. I wanted to get over him. I wanted to let go and move on, hate him and never want to talk to him again. The truth? I still like him. I want to talk to him all the time still, hold his hand, and be with him still. I want to hate him! I want hate him so bad, but it's like I could never hate him.

I turned around to glance at Tj, only to catch him looking at me. He quickly turned around and started talking to his friends. Was he just taunting me at this point? Trying to torture me. This is what made me angry! Not knowing how he felt, or him not knowing how I felt!

~ End of the day ~

I got my things from my locker and started walking down the hall that was crowded with teens, eager to leave. I didn't really know where I was going, until I found myself in the Library.

That's right, I tutor Tj on Thursdays, but...did he still want me to tutor him? I sat at our studying table for about ten minutes. He still wasn't here, so I got my things and started to walk away. I was at the library door, when I ran into him...

"Oh...hey Tj," I mumble, not knowing what to say in this awkward situation.

"Hey Dorky, umm, why are you here?" Tj asked. He was trying to make conversation, but was obviously struggling on what to say.

"I was wondering if you were up for tutoring?"

"Oh, sorry Dorky, but my girlfriend is tutoring me." He stated. I snapped on the inside. He has a girlfriend now. He didn't even bother to lable us.

"Ok," Is all I said, storming off roght after. I was almost at the doors when something grabbed my arm. I turned in shock to see who it was....

"Wait Dorky!.....

(A/N) Thx 4 reading Chapter 20! I never told you guys, but I actually made this story into seasons! Chapters 1 - 10 is season 1, while chapters 11 - 20 are season 2! Anyway, make sure to vote, and comment on ur favorite parts! I would like to dedicate this chapter to tyrus-tjcy who recently started reading my story and said he loved it, which meant a whole freakin lot to me, thx u! Another thing, if you guys haven't noticed, every single chapter is 1000+ words. See ya guys later!

Ch 21 Sneak Peek:

I was nervous to be honest. I knew Tj could get crazy and not think things through. Maybe he forgot though? I doubt it. He was really passionate about it.

"So lunch is halfway over, yet he has done nothing!" Andi shouted.

"Yeah. I hate to break it to you Cyrus, but I think he's not gonna show," Buffy stated. They were probably right though. I frowned.


...............To be Continued..................

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