Scar (Redemption) III

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Troye POV

I was… peaceful.  I knew that this was happening to me, to her, but it’s hard to understand or try to describe. But as I became more aware of my surroundings, I could feel Tyler’s strong arms holding me close, and I had never in my life, felt so safe. He was warm and strong, and, wait. I can’t think like this. I barely know him. But, I don’t want him to let go. And with this realization, I realized the steady beating of his heart, had kept mine in perfect synchronization with his. I smiled in glee. It wasn’t my head doing this to me. It was my heart. And even though the last time I tried to follow it, it blew up in face, it had never felt like this. I think there was apart of me that knew nothing would ever feel like this, no. it was Tyler. He, I can’t even describe it. It just is. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with a concerned frown on his face. But too soon his eyes grew wide, and I could see a small smile form on his all too beautiful face. But I knew this bliss would be short lived.

Rose was here. And we had to face each other. At some point, we had to deal with this. Tyler, like always, seemed to catch onto my train of thought as he slowly turned us both on the bed to face the hulk he called his friend, and the small girl I had known before. I waited as I saw her eyes flutter open, and blinked at the knowledge that like me, she could only handle so much before collapsing. When her eyes were finally open, she looked up at the brute man holding her and he kissed her lightly. Slowly she turned her head to face us. When she caught my eyes, her own hazel gaze grew as wide a deer’s. And just like that, we shot out of the protective arms encasing us both, and into each others, sobbing hysterically, both wailing out apologies and our mutual love for the other. I knew the men behind us were both confused but it didn't matter. She was here, she was safe. That was all that mattered.

"Rose what happened?! How are you even alive?!" I questioned her, pulling back and holding her face in my hands. We both still had tears streaming down our cheeks, and I'm sure we looked strange. Her face crumpled at whatever memory my question brought up and she slammed her face back in to my chest.

"Troye!" she sobbed out. I clutched at her, running my hand over her now blue hair, crying silently, trying to be strong for he once again. And for what seemed like hours, but could have only been minutes,  we stood; clinging to each other and just basking in the knowledge that somehow,  we both had made it out alive.

"I'm so glad you made it out" I told her. And I was. I clutched her tighter, letting her know I meant my words. She pulled back and looked up me with still streaming eyes and her caramel face blotchy.

"I almost didn't.  They left me out there to die! I was, I" and like all the other times I had tried to tell my story, she panicked. Falling into me again and nearly screaming. I saw the giant man moving towards us way to fast, and without thinking,  I threw her behind me, braced myself for whatever came our way, but before he even reached us, Tyler stepped in front of me, blocking his path.

"You can't move like that around him. I'm sorry, but I wont let you near him like that. Calm down" he said firmly. I could feel myself shaking but I wasnt going to let go of Rose. The giant stood still, silently raging when I felt Rose slip from my hand. In seconds she was bolting into the side of the hulk and I nearly passed out again. Surely she knows what she is capable of.

Tyler  turned and pulled my face up forcing to look into his eyes.

"Its not what you think. I promise. She knows what she is doing. Trust me." he told me gently. I searched his eyes, and knew he was telling me the truth. I slumped against him and he held against his firm body.

"Tilly, I'm tired" I whispered.

"Okay angel,  hold on" he murmured into my ear. He tucked me into his chest further,  resting his chin in my hair.

"Mike, maybe you can get a room here, we should deal with this tomorrow" he told him softly. I heard his voice but was to focused on the masculine scent of the man holding me tightly. When I heard the door click closed, my body tensed when I realized what I had forgotten. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew I was shaking again, but I couldn't help it. He leaned back and tilted my chin up again.

"Woa, wait. What's going on?"  he asked, confusion lacing his words.

"Your not going to make me leave again?" I responded. Regret colored his features.

"No. Never again." he said with a husky voice that sent violent shivers down my spine. I knew I looked horrid, but he was still here. And he didn't seem disgusted by me at all. What happened next shocked me 

Tyler leaned down slowly,  gauging my reaction, I cant believe this is happening! He was going to kiss me! I knew I should have pushed him away, but I couldn't. Finally,  I felt his lips press to mine, and honestly,  heaven. His lips were heaven. I couldn't help the surprised moan that tore from my lips. My legs shook and Tyler gripped my hips to hold me to him. When he pulled away, I looked up into his eyes.

"Heaven doesn't seem so far away" I whispered.



short, but for a reason.

also guys, we broke 1.1k!!!! wtf?!?!?! thanks so much!!!

new idea

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