We need to talk.

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Ok guys. I do have your chapter written and ready, but I'm not releasing a damn thing until we have a little discussion.

I hope, I really fucking hope, none of you guys were involved in the troye drama this morning. I really fucking do. because if you were, shame on you. yes, perhaps he shouldn't have snapped at someone. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? Troye is allowed to get annoyed. Troye is allowed to say he doesn't like the shipping! Did it ever occur to anyone that his entire career has been side barred by being shipped with someone? first troyler, then tronner (the biggest feel free to name whatever ones you know) maybe he wants to get away from it! hell, i would too.

I think we forget how, contrary to popular belief, Troye is actually human! he as emotions! maybe his day fucking sucked! who care?! its not our place to tell him that he would be no where if it weren't troyler, that he doesn't care about us, that its all a publicity stunt. thats not fuckingh true. Would you or your friends ever want shit like that said to you??? no! knock it off!

there are thousands of you guys here. im not yelling at y'all so much as desperately hoping none of you guys were involved. you guys are all so nice to me, so i can only hope you guys are the same with your actual idols. yes. I am deleting this before the next chapter goes up, thats how you know its going up, cus this is going down, but seriously, im not posting shit until we have a discussion, you guys can comment your feeling on the troy drama, if you where involved or not,. btw, im not gonna scream at you if you were. I would very much like to know you reason on being involved, your stance if you where. im so serious, im not posting shit until we have a discussion cus im like, this close () to deleting this book.

things like this make me wish I never started it. things like this make me wish i was never involved in the fandom in the first place. thing like this make me ashamed to be apart of this fandom in the slightest. i mean, y'all do amazing things, and i get so proud. but then some you pull shit like this, which makes me wonder what is wrong with some of you. (not you) idk guys, just talk to me. cus im not posting until we talk.

also, wp keeps deleting the last bit of this, lets see if it works now.

VS (Troyler) BDSMWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt