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Replaying everything that had happened that night, with him winning his match and having extremely pleasuring shower sex with his beautiful girlfriend, it was understandable that Niall could not sleep.

He was currently lying in bed, shirtless and clad in his white boxers, moulding over his impulsive thoughts. He had finally admitted to both himself and to Amy that he was in love. He was in love with Amy Carter. And it was surprising that he genuinely did feel very humble about that fact.

Niall spent years pushing away even an ounce of reciprocated feelings towards a woman. He would always subdue the thoughts and emotions, making sure that his strong guard was at a constant stance. After seeing the outcome of heartbreak in his past, he never wanted to allow his own heart to shatter just like the rest.

The divorce rate in the world was higher every year, which Niall felt only supported his decisions further. He never wanted to settle down with a family, and he most certainly never desired to fall in love. Yet that had all change now.

Now he had something to strive for. He may only be twenty, and she may only be eighteen, but he knew deep down that this whole relationship had in-depth meaning. They had been through a lot together over the past few months, which included some very traumatic experiences, although they have still managed to move on from them effectively.

She was the main source of light in his life currently, keeping him grounded and content. He had always had the WDD behind him, considering everything that happened, yet he was never whole. This young and innocent brunette changed that, which left the halved soul of a man, a newly entirely completed one.

As he lay there on his mattress, he could easily picture a future with her. He knew practically everything about her, all the way down to the smaller intricate details of her being, such as the curling of her toes when she was anxious or the way was scrunched her nose when reading unpleasant scenes in a book. He knew. He knew how to treat her now, and regretted his past actions, yet she was able to forgive him, and he was so thankful for that.

Niall was picturing Amy on their wedding day, where she would wear the most stunning white dress, grinning at him as she walked down the aisle beside her father. He pictured having a baby with her, and feeling a sense of yearning at the thought of creating another human being with her. One of life's most precious gifts, he would give that to her if she wanted it. The future was bright, and he wanted to share it with her, she was his girl, and nothing would ever change that.

His had laid the past down now, and put it to bed. It was something that he could never fix and his family was still standing strong even though those circumstances had occurred. He was loyal to his mother, and this woman was yet the other love in his life. The day that his beautiful Amy met his mother, would be a day that he would remember for a while, for it shall be filled with lots of displays of love, he was sure of it.

There was nothing else that he wanted to do right now than be with his girlfriend. It saddened him that everything was so secretive, and it was as if they were locking themselves away from the rest of the world. He wanted everyone to know about them, and he longed for them to be accepted as a couple, but the consequences of such actions were too much of a risk.

Niall's raging thoughts were dashed out of his head as he unexpectedly heard the familiar chime of his phone. Sighing heavily to himself, he pulled his body up off of his bed, slipping on a pair of tracksuit bottoms, and out of his room to go and retrieve the device. He had left the iPhone on the coffee table in the living room, and frowned once he saw who was calling him.

"Hello?" He questioned confusedly.

"Niall let us in," Adam urged, swallowing down the constant lump in his throat. "Hurry! We got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half because there was a stupid car accident in front of us." He rambled angrily.

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