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Warning; you may find some aspects of this chapter uncomfortable.


The large man then stood boldly at her feet, cocking a black gun and aiming it at her forehead, causing her eyes to widen in complete and utter fear.

“Now, you’re going to listen, and listen carefully.” The man almost growled, his voice silencing her completely. “You’re not going to make a sound, and do whatever we say.” All she could see were his eyes through the cotton balaclava on his face, which were a dark brown colour – almost black, causing Amy to feel extremely intimidated. “So, sit still whilst we do this.”

Amy was confused by his last sentence so simply observed as he took off the small black bag from his shoulder blades, placing it onto the floor by her feet. After tucking his gun into the waistband of his trousers, he crouched down and opened the bag.  He pulled out a grey roll of duct tape from the bag, along with a handful of white binding ropes.

Her body began to shake in fear and she started to squirm once more in the arms of her captors. The small fragments of glass which were littering the floor were piercing at her back, and she was sure that some of them were making her bleed.

The two men holding her continued to keep her on the ground, ignoring her defence. The hand muting her noises moved from her face momentarily, before she was silenced again by the man placing a white cloth into her mouth, disallowing her any chance of calling for help. He then made her close her lips before placing his hand over it once again.

The man who was by her feet then tore a strip from the duct tape roll, passing it to the other man. He proceeded to silence her more effectively, placing the sticky substance over her lips. Two more strips were covered to secure the tape, before the two men holding her down manoeuvred her into a seating position.

The three men then each took some rope to tie her with. Amy was screaming through the tape on her mouth, hating every single moment of her current predicament. She was too panicked and frightened to even begin to get herself away from the situation. The man closest to her face pulled her arms behind her back, and began to wrap the rope around her wrists tightly, not allowing her any movement at all.

As he was completing this task whilst she was struggling in his arms, the man holding her legs down mirrored the same actions, binding her ankles together with his own rope. Once the two body parts were bound, they each took another bit of rope, which were then secured around her legs. One was placed around her shins whilst the other was tied just above her knee, on her thighs.

One last piece of rope was tied around her body, just below her breasts, which unpleasantly pulled her arms flat against her back. She was extremely uncomfortable and was unable to keep the tears at bay. She continued to shriek beneath the tape and wanted nothing else in that moment then to be in the comforting arms of the man she loved.

The man who was stood above her proceeded to pull another cloth from his pocket, which was black. Amy gulped as he moved towards her face and placed the item over her eyes, blocking out her vision completely.

Amy was successfully bound and silenced, which allowed the three men to finally lift her up off of the floor. The larger man, who was acting as the leader of the whole ordeal, then threw her petite body over his right shoulder so that he could carry her out of the house.

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