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An image of Amy's outift is on the side!



"Mate, I can't go to that party, I've gotta go with Jason to the other club."

"What do you mean?"

"Mr Young is going to that club. We've got to deal his. Can you take this party?"

"For god sake, Liam!" Niall was beyond aggravated. Tonight he had intended on going straight home and chilling out for a bit as the past few weeks had been hectic. He just shook his head at his friend and sighed. "Fine, just this once. I'm only doing this because the division is slacking." He said in a stern tone.

Liam and Niall departed and drove their separate ways. It was reaching nine o'clock in the evening now which meant that this party should be in full swing. Niall only did these types of jobs when he needed to. If he wasn't leader of the division he wouldn't have to. The different sections of the division held different purposes, and section D was most definitely not Niall's first priority, but being head meant that sometimes he had to take part in the different sectors. This included doing jobs like the one he was about to encounter.

He parked a few streets away from where the party was being held and got out of his Range Rover. Niall walked towards the club and snuck in around the back entrance. He wanted to get this over with fast which meant that he would have to do some mingling as soon as he stepped into the room.

The room was filled with many drunken teenagers. Most of the boys were grinding against the girls, whom had not pride in their appearances any more due to the high level that they were intoxicated. He scanned the room for easy targets, before he sat down on one of the stools at the bar. He waved over the bartender and ordered a pint of beer. Taking a few sips on his drink, someone then began to tap him on the shoulder.

Niall was met with a girl who only appeared about eighteen. She was wearing a short, tight black dress accompanied with black heels. He scanned her up and down once before smirking to himself.

"May I help you, darling?" He questioned her seductively. She leant forward to whisper into his ear.

"Dance with me." She slurred into his ear, before taking a step back and biting her lip. Niall picked up his pint and drank its entire contents, then taking a hold of the girls hand and walking her over towards the dance floor.

They danced for about half an hour, the girl was grinding against Niall and kept biting her lip, teasing him. He just held onto her. He pulled her hair to one side so he could then whisper into her ear. He leant down so that his lips were touching her lobes, biting it teasingly, causing her to grab onto his arm.

"Do you want an extra boost?" He suggested to her. She turned to face him and nodded. Niall slipped his hand onto the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small bag of white powder, he looked around the room quickly before slipping it into her palm. "Pay up." He demanded her, holding onto her wrist. She nodded at him before pulling the required amount of money from her bra, obviously storing her necessities there. Niall just rolled his eyes before taking the amount from her.

The girl then walked away from him with a smug look plastered onto her face.


"We're so late." Laura shouted at Amy as they reached the entrance to the club. Amy tugged the bottom of her dress down repeatedly as she was feeling overly self-conscious. Laura had forced her to wear bright red lipstick and have smokey eye make-up to accompany the blue dress. Amy didn't think that she had a high enough self-esteem for this. Exhaling loudly to herself, they eventually approached the bouncer, who asked for their names. Laura told him and he read the list in front of him, which granted the girls access to the party. They entered the room and were instantly hit with the pounding atmosphere.

They walked towards the birthday boy, who looked like he was having a swell time. He was bouncing along to the music and grinning at his friends and guests. Laura approached him first by engulfing him into a hug. Amy was walking behind her timidly, unsure of what to do in this type of situation, she had only been clubbing a couple of times. Jack turned to face Amy and his mouth dropped at the sight of her. She frowned at him confusedly before Laura snapped her fingers in front of him.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies." She scowled him as he shook his head and then smiled at Amy.

"You look different." He leant in and told Amy loudly as it was hard to hear each other over the thumping music. "And I like it." He whispered that into her ear and kissed her cheek before pulling away. Amy was left stunned with a face as red as a tomato. She then nodded at him, Laura was smirking. "I'll see you guys later." Jack said as he walked through the crowd and towards a group of boys on the other side of the room.

"He totally wants you, Ames."


"You're even blushing! That's adorable." She grinned at her. "Let's go get some drinks." Laura held out her arm from Amy to latch onto, which she did willingly. They walked up to the bar and asked the bartender to make their desired drinks.

After a few rounds of shots, the pair found themselves in the middle of the dance floor. They were laughing hysterically along with dancing around without a care in the world. Amy stopped herself to take a breather. She looked around the crowd and then paused. She squinted as she noticed a familiar shade of blonde hair. She frowned as she noticed him slip a girl some white powder, then walking away.

Without thinking, Amy marched towards him and yanked him by the shirt. He turned to face her and his face hardened. He pushed her away from him slightly, which made her stumble. But, she still had a hold of his shirt.

"What the fuck? Let go!" Niall shouted at Amy.

"What the hell are you doing?" She shouted back at him.

"What the hell are you doing?" He copied her previous question, which caused her to frown at him.

"Niall, I'm being serious."

"So am I."

"Seriously, why would you give her that!?"

"Give who, what?" He smirked at her and shrugged. "Just piss off." He spat at her, causing her to wince.

"No." She crossed her arms over her chest and looked up at him. He was becoming infuriated and clenched his jaw. "I'm going to go and tell someone what you were doing. That girl could hurt herself or someone else! How many other people have you given that stuff to? You're completely insane! I cannot believe that Adam is even friends with you, you're horrid. Why am I even standing here? I'm goin-" Niall cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth.

"Shut your mouth." He declared as he then took her wrist and dragged her towards the back exit, where he had entered the club.

Amy was pulled outside by Niall, who walked a bit down the side of the building. Suddenly, he took her by the shoulders and pinned her against the wall. She winced and closed her eyes.

"Let go of me." She opened her eyes and stared at him, trying to pry herself off of his grip. He loosened his grip slightly on her but kept her held against the wall. "What is your problem!?" She bellowed at him.

"You need to stay out of my business." He told her sternly.

"Well, why did you just give someone drugs?"

"It's business."

"That's not business."

"Yes it is."

"No, it's a crime."

"Actually, it's business."

"Last time I checked, dealing drugs was illegal."

"And business." He continued pushing with the same answer. She was learning too much about him and he needed to try and stop her. But something inside of him wanted her to know. He had an internal battle with himself constantly at the moment and it was due to this girl stood in front of him.

"Oh, so you're a drug dealer?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically. Niall just shook his head and let go of her, stepping back from her allowing her to have some personal space. Amy stared up into his blue orbs and tried to make herself appear strong although she was in fact frightened. He noticed Amy's scared expression and took a step towards her again. She was now stood against the wall with his chest pressed firmly against her own. Amy looked up at Niall timidly confused before Niall lent his head closer to her own.

Screw this inward battle with himself.

"Stay still." He commanded.

"Why?" She choked, barely audible. Niall took his finger and placed it against her mouth, quieting her. Amy gulped as he then moved his hand and grabbed her by the waist, his other hand cupping her cheek.

Niall then lent forward even more and brushed his lips against hers. She did as he said and didn't move at all. He then pushed forward, attaching his mouth with hers. He pulled away after a moment.

"I've needed to do this for ages." He mumbled into her lips as Amy suddenly smiled. He then lent forward again and kissed her tenderly. She leant forward herself, forcing their mouths harder against one another. They kissed each other passionately. Niall smirked as caressed her face. Amy felt her stomach fill with warmth and butterflies as they embraced each other. She shouldn't be enjoying this.

Why did she adore this?

Niall then squeezed her hip, causing her to gasp. He took that opportunity to place his tongue into her mouth, which she didn't deny entry to. Their tongues began to fight for dominance, as they held onto each other with urgency.

After a few minutes of embracing one another, they broke apart. Their foreheads were held together as they looked into each other's eyes, they were both panting breathlessly. Niall pulled away and took a step back from Amy. She looked at him intently and then looked down at his hand, which now held out for her to take. She stepped away from the wall and took a hold of his grasp.

Niall pulled her gently behind him as they then walked off into the night.


Wait... WHAT?

Hahahahhahahahahhahaaha... until the next time ;)


Breathless || Niall Horan [AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora