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Amy woke up and instantly winced at the contact between her back and the mattress on her bed. She sat up and wiped her eyes, waking herself up more. Her mouth felt disgusting as she realised that she hadn’t brushed her teeth before going to sleep last night. Straight away, she stood up and made her way towards the bathroom. She used the toilet and then brushed her teeth, taking away some of the gross feeling inside of her mouth.

She walked back into her bedroom and took out the first pieces of clothing she could find in her wardrobe. She chose her grey joggers accompanied with a plain, white jumper. Amy felt like complete and utter shit, and this is being proven through her very, casual attire. She looked in her mirror and took her hair out of the now, ruined fish-tail plait. She brushed through the knots in her brown locks and pulled them into a high ponytail. Her eyes were red and puffy from where she had cried herself to sleep, and no amount of make-up would fix that. So, she decided not to bother and then made her way downstairs.

The kitchen was as it always was on a Saturday. Her mother was cleaning and hadn’t noticed her entering the room yet. Amy grabbed a bowl from the cupboard along with some cereal. She poured it into the bowl, along with some milk, and then took a spoon from the cutlery drawer, sitting down at the kitchen table. As she took a seat her mother turned to face her with her usual grin plastered onto her face. Her mother was always so happy and full of life, this tends to make Amy content also. She was always envious of her mother’s looks; she had almost inherited all of her features from her father rather than her mum. She had long, blonde hair which was always styled perfectly, along with bright blue eyes. This was opposed to Amy’s brown hair and plain, green eyes. 

Amy had eaten most of her cereal before her mum began to speak to her. 

“Morning, sweetheart. I called you for dinner last night but then noticed that you were asleep. Are you okay?” Her mother asked genuinely concerned. 

“Yeah, I just had a bad headache and fell asleep early, sorry.” Amy mumbled as she took another bite from her breakfast. 

“It’s fine. So, what are you doing today?”

“I’m going to go to Mary’s.”

“Oh, tell her that we all need to have a family dinner soon. We can invite the other siblings too.” She smiled at Amy as she walked towards her and took her empty bowl from her. She placed it into the sink and began to wash it up. Amy’s mother had three siblings, and her favourite was Mary. She then had two brothers, who were the fathers of her other five cousins. Amy liked Mary the best because she was Adam’s mum and therefore saw her most often of them all.

“Will do. I’m gonna go now. It’s like ten so, yeah…” Amy stated in a weird tone as she stood up and made her way back upstairs to her bedroom. She picked up her phone and her keys, grabbing her white Converses and made her way back downstairs. “Bye, Mum!” She called out as she opened and then closed the front door behind her, stepping towards her car. Adam’s house was about twenty minutes away so it was always easier for Amy if she drove there. 

After about twenty minutes, Amy pulled up outside her Auntie’s home. She opened the car door and closed it behind her, locking it. She then walked towards the front door and knocked on it. She waited a few moments before she was greeted with a smile from Mary.

“Hiya, Ames. Come in.” She moved to the side to let Amy through the door. “Adam is in the loft if you’re here for him.”

“Yeah I am thanks.” She turned to walk up the stairs before rotating back to face her Aunt. “Oh, I think you should ring Mum, she wants to organise some dinner or something.” She told her as Mary then nodded and walked away from her. Amy began to walk up the first flight of stairs and then up the second. They had a loft conversion in their house. It had two rooms. One room was a cinema room which the whole family used, and the other was a room for Adam. He had a pool table and a bar, along with a dartboard and various other games in there. It was like he had his own little hangout. 

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