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I know I haven't updated for nearly a month now and I'm sorry.

My updates have been slacking and I'm sure a lot of you are probably annoyed at me and have most likely deleted this story from your library, which is understandable.

If you're reading this right now, I advise that you don't do that.

I'm writing this to tell you all that as of current this moment in time, I am putting this story on hold temporarily.

I have so many ideas planned out for this story. I write each chapter on my laptop and I have a plan outlining the main aspects of the entire story. I do this for all of my fanfics.

I'm not in a very good place at the moment and I'm finding it hard to write anything. I have no motivation. And I don't want to force myself to write and then have the outcome of multiple shitty chapters.

Currently, I am having a hard time. I'm very stressed out over Sixth Form and my future. I had a breakdown the other week which resulted in me having various meetings with my Head of Sixth Form. I'm feeling a bit better now but I'm still stressed.

Also, my family are going through a rough patch and that's affecting my moods. I feel like I'm having to keep things together being the oldest child in the house at the moment, as my sister is at University. Along with my anxiety issues and the fact that I never sleep, I'm completely overly stressed.

I know these probably sound like boring excuses but you met remember that I am a human being and I do have a life, or at least I'm trying to have one (aha).

I love you all for the support I've had so far and I will not be inactive. I am on Wattpad everyday and still will be. At those times I shall be reading rather than writing, though.

You're all lovely and I'm sorry I'm doing this!

I will most likely post and odd chapter every now and then. I hope to be back to writing properly around Christmas as I think everything will be calmed down by then.

Thank you all, for everything.

Soph :) xx

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