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Amy shot up suddenly in bed as she was jolted awake by her dream. It was the most vivid one she had ever dreamt. She tried to think over everything that happened within it. The most confusing thing was that she had no idea of the people within the dream. She had never heard of a Niall or Zayn before. That is unless she had encountered them at some part in her life, although that is doubtful as she lives a perfectly normal life.

She groaned as she rolled over and looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It read 7.00am which meant that she had an hour to get herself ready for Sixth Form. She swung her legs of the side of the bed and put them on the ground to stand up. She walked over towards her wardrobe and looked to find an outfit for the day. Her Sixth Form allowed her to wear casual attire, which meant that she could dress in whatever she wanted, within reason.

Her new pair of black skinny jeans were on the top drawer of her wardrobe, she pulled them out along with a purple blouse. She threw these on her bed as she then walked towards her chest of drawers to retrieve some underwear. After doing so, she walked towards the bathroom to clean. She used the toilet, along with having a quick wash and brushing her teeth. Walking back into her bedroom, she got herself dressed and then picked up her hairbrush, sorting her hair out. She looked in the mirror as she noticed that her long, brown hair was cooperating nicely today. She decided to do a fish-tail plait in her hair, which only took her a few minutes. Concluding that she couldn't be bothered this morning, she only put on minimal make-up which covered the few blemishes on her skin. She settled with some concealer and some mascara. She then grabbed her black converses from her wardrobe before rushing downstairs.

When she entered the kitchen she was met with her mother and father whom were eating breakfast together. Her mum had cooked her some scrambled egg on toast, which she then sat down to eat, dropping her shoes on the floor next to her.

"Morning, darling." Her mother said in a soft tone.

"Morning." Amy replied, as she continued to eat her food.

"Have you got a full day today?" Her father asked.

"No, but I was going to head into the high street to do some shopping. I need a few bits."

"What time are you going to be home then?" He questioned.

"I don't know, it'll depend how long it takes for me to find this book."

"Oh, okay then. Be safe."

"I will, dad." Amy rolled her eyes as she finished the food on her plate. She then stood up and placed her plate and cutlery in the dishwasher. She sat back down briefly in her chair to put on her shoes, then walking back upstairs to retrieve her school bag. She picked up the dark, brown satchel and placed it on her shoulder. She then unplugged her phone from its charger and placed it into the front pocket of her bag.

Amy then went back downstairs and said goodbye to her parents, walking through the front door and on her way to Sixth Form. It took her about fifteen minutes to walk there which she didn't mind as it allowed her to have time to herself to think. Today she couldn't get that dream out of her head. Well, it was more of a nightmare. She couldn't comprehend why it was so realistic, and who the people were. It was beginning to really infuriate her as normally you know the people in your dreams, if they have names. She had never heard their names mentioned ever in her life which is why she was so confused.

She slowly approached the building of Filmswood Sixth Form College. The place itself was normal and contained, on average, about three-hundred pupils all sitting their A Levels. She was in her second and final year there. Being a Year thirteen student had its perks. They were more independent in their work which meant that she had an increased number of free periods in comparison to last year. She liked the freedom as it gave her more time to read. She loved diving into a new novel whenever she could as it allowed her mind to wander. This could be a slight indication as to why her dream may have been so vivid.

Various students were entering the building as they scanned their ID badges against the turnstiles. She followed suit and scanned her card, which allowed her to walk through and into the building. She walked down the main corridor and into the second common room. Amy never sat in the main one as she didn't like how noisy it was. It was also filled with the annoying and self-absorbed people. She sat down in her usual seat in the corner of the room which was next to a large window and put her bag on the table in front of her, pulling out her phone.

She needed to go shopping today as she needed to buy her desired John Green book. She had heard good reviews on The Fault In Our Stars and always tried not to read it as everyone else did. She didn't like to follow trends at all. But, after debating about whether not to for months, she finally decided to see what all the fuss was about. Her phone had only one new message which was from her friend, Laura.

Laura: Hey, are you in yet? I'm stood in the common room like a lemon xx

Yeah I am, I'm in the usual spot. X

Laura: Okay, I'll be there in like two secs xx

Amy decided not to reply again as she looked up from her phone. She was met with the bubbly Laura. Her short, blonde hair was straightened today which led it to be of shoulder length. She was wearing a white blouse which was tucked into a blue skater skirt. She wore black leggings which were accompanied with her blue Vans on her feet. She walked towards Amy and smiled at her, before taking the seat opposite her.

"Hey." She said as she adjusted herself in her seat.

"Hi. Did you do the English essay?"

"Yeah, it's really crap though. I couldn't be bothered putting in anymore effort. I thought the question was really hard." Laura shrugged.

"Oh, I thought it was pretty simple."

"You always do, you are a grade-A student!"

"No I'm not, I'm just good at English."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Laura muttered as they both then laughed. Amy then looked at the clock located on the wall in front of her and noticed that they had five minutes until their first period started.

"We better go." Amy said as she stood up and picked up her bag, placing it back onto her shoulder.

"Okay." Laura agreed as she also stood up. The pair then walked together to English to delve themselves into the world of Gatsby.


The high street wasn't that packed as it was only one o'clock in the afternoon. After having double English and double Photography, Amy got the bus into town. She lived in Greater London which meant that she lived just outside of the major city. She liked where she lived as she was close enough to go to London whenever she wanted. She always loved exploring the shops along with the environment. She loved the atmosphere of the busy city and it was so full of life. She found it exciting.

She was currently walking up Wandsworth High Street and looking for the Waterstones bookshop that they had there. She entered the shop when she got there. She found the desired book straight away at is was on the popular section near the front of the shop. She made her way towards the till to pay for the book. Giving the cashier the required amount, she thanked him and then went back out onto the high street. She decided that she should get some lunch so walked into Caffé Nero. She ordered a strawberry milkshake and a BLT sandwich. After paying for everything, she sat down at one of the available tables to eat her food. She took out the book from the carrier bag and decided to read only the first page.

Time passed quite quickly as she looked at her phone to see that she had been reading for two hours. Feeling slightly embarrassed at being so absorbed into the novel, she put the now, well-read book into her bag and stood up, leaving the coffee shop. She began to walk back towards the bus stop and decided to take and alternate route. It was a shortcut that she took when she needed to be somewhere fast, but today she just couldn't be bothered to walk the normal, long way. She walked for about five minutes as she then went down one of the alleyways.

As she entered the alleyway she could see a man with brown, curly hair stood by one of the walls, smoking a cigarette. She scrunched her nose up in disgust as she approached him, wanting to brush past as soon as possible. She hated the smell of smoke, it was horrendous. The man was wearing black, skinny jeans along with a plain, black t-shirt. He also had numerous tattoos which covered the entirety of both of his arms. She increased her pace as she walked past the man, which was before she heard him cough. On instinct, she looked back momentarily, only for him to smirk up at her, acknowledging her presence. She turned back around and took a step forward, to continue her walk, only for her to be tugged back and shoved against the wall.

"I saw you scrunching your nose up at me, who do you think you are?" His voice boomed in her face, causing her to coward down underneath his touch. He held her by the shoulders as the cigarette was still placed in his mouth. He let go of one shoulder as he finished his last intake of the stick, throwing it onto the floor and standing on it to put it out. He then placed his hand back onto her shoulder and pushed her further into the wall. Amy whimpered underneath his touch.

"Let me go." She managed to choke out in a frightened tone. This only caused him to chuckle. He then bent his head down so that his face was only centimetres away from hers. He smirked up at her and thought it was hilarious as to how scared she was of him.

"What if I said no?" He questioned spitefully and he tilted his head, looking at her features. He admired her green eyes and pretty face, along with her long, brown hair. He could tell that she didn't put much effort into her appearance, which he found appealing.

"Then I'd do this." She then lifted her knee and jammed it into his crotch. This caused him to yelp in pain and fall to the ground. She took let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding onto and started to run down the alleyway. The man groaned as he lifted himself off of the ground. He smirked at her bravery as he stood up straight. He then turned and began to walk in the opposite direction, only for his blonde haired friend to appear in front of him.

"What the fuck, Harry?" He almost yelled at him.

"What do you mean?" Harry didn't seem fazed at all.

"You can't do that in broad daylight. You're such a fucking idiot sometimes." He spat at him.

"Calm down, Niall. Jesus." Harry shoved past him which only caused Niall to get even more pissed off.

"No, you could've ruined the plan. You're lucky I saw it and not them." His tone was threatening.

"Well, they didn't see, now should we go back inside and wait for them or stay out here arguing like two babies?" Harry questioned.

"Just don't do it again. Who was she anyway?" Niall asked as they began to walk back towards the closed bar.

"Some random, decided to have a little bit of fun." He shrugged. Niall could only look forward and begin to think over everything that he saw. The girls that Harry usually played with were unclassy and pathetic. They were usually dressed inappropriately and wore too much make-up. The girl down the alley only appeared to be about eighteen and was just normal looking. It pissed him off as to why Harry would have done that to her. They were meant to keep the business to themselves and not mess about, Harry being himself never listened to instructions and would always find the time to wind up some women. Niall couldn't get the young girl out of his head. He wanted to go and help her but didn't as Harry would've probably tried to beat the shit out of him. Although Niall was the boss of the gang, he and Harry had had their fair few fights, mostly resulting in a few broken bones. After the short, two minute walk, the pair finally entered the bar to find the rest of the boys spread about in various places within the room.

Niall smirked as he could see what was waiting for him.


Yeah, so I hope you enjoy this first chapter :)

It was much longer than the chapters I normally write, I kind of rambled on a lot to try and establish a bit of background to the characters.

Please read, vote and comment xx

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