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"So, that's it?" Amy shrieked at Niall. He kept his eye contact towards the wall in front of him, rather than her, he couldn't bear to look at her.

"That's it." He stated firmly as he blinked and then looked at the girl in front of him. Her mascara had smudged around her eyes and there were a few streaks coating her cheeks from where her tears had fallen. Her hair was tangled and matted, along with her dress being fairly creased. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to regain her confidence which had dissolved ever so quickly in the past few minutes.

"Fine. Fuck you, Niall." She spat furiously and she turned and almost ran out of the front door. She slammed it behind her and daren't look back. She quickly ran down the staircase and out of the apartment building. She realised that the only way for her to get home would be to walk, which was foolish and irresponsible of her. Sighing to herself and wiping her face with the palm of her hands, she began walking down the road in the direction they had driven from earlier.

Amy was holding onto her wedges, she didn't want to place them back onto her feet after a night of wearing them. At this current moment in time she couldn't care less if she were to tread on something painful or disgusting. Her mood was sour and shattered, she felt violated and nothing could be worse. She honestly thought that Niall was different to what he appeared to be. People believed him to be this intimidating, authoritative figure but in reality she knew that he did care. But this was a mere thought in Amy's mind, it wasn't true. He really was this aggressive waste of space that had just dishonoured her.

She continued walking for what felt like hours, by the appearance of the sky it seemed to be early morning. Looking at the environment around her, she was unable to recognise where she was. She noticed a bridge which was overlooking a mass amount of water. She walked along the side of the bridge and noticed that this was the River Thames. She immediately realised that she had walked in the complete wrong direction; if she carried on across this bridge then she would end up in Kensington, or Hammersmith. And she definitely didn't want to go as far as Camden or Hackney.

This was all becoming too much for her head. It was pounding and the headache was slowly leading onto a migraine. Seeing as she had rushed out of Niall's flat so abruptly, she had forgotten her clutch bag, resulting in her having left her items, including her phone.

How could she be so stupid?

She turned back in the direction she came and decided to follow the sign posts better and more accurately. She could knock on someone's door and ask for help, but it was a ridiculous hour of the morning and anyone who could see her would probably think of her as a drunk who was simply begging for money. Her parents would have no idea of her being missing or lost as she was meant to be staying at Laura's house this evening.

Laura was probably too intoxicated to realise Amy's disappearance. There was no one else that she could contact or try and ask help from. She could go back to Niall's and retrieve her belongings, but that would be more embarrassing that the situation already was. After overthinking every possible resolution and theory, the only one that seemed possible was for her to keep walking until she found help.

The night's sky stayed the same darkened colour. Amy had been walking for hours and she was beyond exhausted. She was nearing a place that appeared familiar. The High Street wasn't far from where she was, and this included Adam's house. She could go there for help, but this would result in her having to explain what had happened within the evening, which she did not want to do.

The roads were empty and there was no sign of any human civilisation, this reminded Amy of one of the many Zombie films she had watched. This probably wasn't the smartest thing to be thinking of when she was vulnerable and lost in the middle of Wandsworth, the thought became almost humorous. Amy sighed and began to chuckle to herself. This was ridiculous. It was as if her life couldn't get any worse and it was all down to one idiotic, blonde boy that she was now laughing to herself in the middle of Wandsworth High Street at about three o'clock in the morning.

She reached the familiar pathway of where she felt this series of unfortunate events occurring had begun. She walked down the alleyway where Harry had hurt her. She knew the route to her home from here so she needed to walk this way. The alleyway was lit slightly from the lampposts at either end of the path. She sped walked down the darkened environment, clutching her shoes towards her chest. Just before she reached the end of the alleyway, she heard someone cough behind her, causing her to halt suddenly. She turned around and was met with an unfamiliar person. He made Amy gasp and drop her shoes onto the floor. He chuckled at her reaction as he dropped his cigarette and stomped on it with his black boot.

Amy was unable to blink as his appearance captivated her instantly. He had dark hair which was sculpted into a quiff on the top of his head. He had a defined jawline which accentuated his features. He had crystalizing eyes which were a light brown and they held an emotion which Amy couldn't quite figure out. She finally blinked a few times and decided to edge backwards. His clothing didn't scream safe but it was rather more danger. His leather jacket was intimidating along with the rest of his dark attire verging on threatening.

She gulped and took a few more steps backwards and the man continued to chuckle to himself. He guided himself towards her until she was backed up against the familiar wall.

What was it with men pushing her up against these surfaces?

She looked away and awaited his assault, but it never came. Her face was turned forcefully by the man, which led her eyes to make contact with his own. He suddenly became familiar but Amy couldn't place where she had encountered him before. He bit his lip as he glanced over her delicate features. Her green eyes were blazing, indicating that she had been drinking. She looked rough and saddened but also frightened, which was what made him laugh.

"Do you remember me, Princess?" The man finally spoke in a monotone as Amy continued to blink rapidly. He held his grasp on her chin as he took the pad of his thumb and ran it across her bottom lip. His soft gesture had her stood still underneath his grasp. His other hand made its way to her waist as he leaned in towards her. His mouth was now only a few inches away from her as he breathed in her face. Amy could smell a mixture of tobacco and mint leaving his mouth as it edged even closer towards her own. "Well, do you?" He smirked as his eyes flickered up and down her face.

"No." She murmured as he then leant backwards, letting the hand that was holding onto her face go. This hand was then placed onto the wall next to her as he leaned in again.

"You should remember me, I certainly remember you."

"Well I don't, so can you just leave me alone. I need to go home." The man then laughed loudly, right in her face. He bit his lip as he stared intently at her again. The grip he held on her waist tightened as Amy felt like he was becoming more aggressive towards her.

"It's a bit late, don't you think? An innocent girl like you shouldn't be walking around by herself at this time of night."

"Just let me go." She was pleading with him, but he didn't move. Suddenly, without thinking, she lifted her own hand and slapped it across his cheek. Her night had been horrendous and having yet another man assault her, was just not going to happen. She wouldn't allow it. His head turned to the side as he exhaled loudly. Amy pushed herself off of the wall and attempted to walk around him. She managed to get free of his hold but was then halted again as he grabbed her waist from behind.

"Ahh, not so fast, Princess. I wasn't finished." He breathed into her neck as he moved her hair to her other shoulder, allowing his access to her skin. He leant down and began to leave a trail of wet kisses on her neck, leading to her pulse point. He could feel her sudden faster heartbeat as he continued his assault. She squirmed beneath his touch and managed to break free again as she stomped on his foot, causing him to release her.

She began to run but he grabbed her foot, causing her to fall to the hard ground beneath her. She yelped in pain as she landed on her arm awkwardly. Tears were beginning to form once again as he came up behind her and turned her over on the ground. He pinned both of her hands either side of her face with his own as he knelt above her. One of his knees was placed in between her legs and the other was on the outside.

"I said that I wasn't finished." He bellowed at her, triggering her to cry out more. "Now, be a good girl and answer my questions." He leant down towards her face and kissed away the tear that was travelling down her cheek. "Do you remember me?" He questioned once again.

"No I don't fucking remember you! Let me go!" Amy shrieked as her body was frantically fighting against his. He manoeuvred himself so that her legs were now trapped beneath his own. "Please." She cried out, the tears were now blurring her vision as he kept his hold on her. He then moved his hands so both of hers were pinned beneath only one of his. His free hand then began to palm her through the material of her dress. He began to caress certain areas, causing her to squirm and cry out more.

"Ever since I first saw you, I wanted to lay my fingers on you." He whispered as she continued to sob beneath him.

"Please." She whispered, barely audible as her body was falling limp underneath the man's hold. His aggressiveness was overpowering her, along with her being exhausted anyway from the hours before this. She felt like she could hardly breathe as her emotions were built up to the point of the tears and crying out becoming too much for her to endure.

"I think she asked you to let her go." Another voice spoke from above them. Amy and the man both turned to that their gazes met the voices.

Amy had never been more thankful to see his face. The one person she thought she'd never be appreciative for.

Harry charged towards the pair on the floor and aggressively shoved the man off of her. He kicked him a few times in the ribs which led him to moan out in pain. Harry then picked him up off the floor and pinned him against the wall. He grabbed him by the throat and caused him to look straight at his face as he fought against his hold.

"If you fucking touch her ever again then there will be hell to pay." Harry roared at the main before punching him square in the jaw. He landed a few punches in various places on his body, before he gave up fighting back. Harry let him fall to the ground and whimper. He checked to see if he would stand up again, before realising that he had hit him hard enough. "You shouldn't even be here. Fuck off back to Hackney and don't come back."

"Since when were you the hero, Harry?" The man looked up from the floor and smiled at Harry.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, I'm telling Niall about this."

"Niall won't do shit. He can't do anything."

"Just wait until the draw. I'm sure we can sort this out then." Harry barked as he gritted his teeth.

"You and your whole Division are pathetic." The man spat at Harry, which led him to charge forward once again. "Go on, hit me. I don't give a shit. It won't fix the problem." Harry stopped in his tracks and furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What problem?" The man just laughed at Harry's question. "What problem, Zayn!?" He repeated more hostilely.

"You'll find out soon, don't worry. The problem is only going to get worse." He laughed as he pulled himself up off the floor and began to walk in the opposite direction. He turned to face a very confused Harry once more. "I'd keep an eye on your precious friend over there." He threatened as he began to limp back down the alleyway and out of sight.

Harry exhaled loudly and then turned to look at a broken Amy lying on the floor. She was breathing heavily and gasping for air. He knelt down to her and noticed that she was shaking uncontrollably. Her face was tear-stained and her eyes were clouded with a red puffiness.

"I need to get you to someone." He told her as he picked her up gently and began to carry her out of the alleyway. He held her close to his chest as he made his way towards his car. "Did you have a bag or anything with you?" He looked down at Amy, who was behaving unresponsively. She just continued to shake and take exasperated breaths.

"I-I-I" She stuttered, gulping, trying to control herself which was only appearing to be impossible. "H-help. I n-need to g-g-go." Her emotions were failing her once again as she began to cry once more. Harry finally reached his car and opened the back doors. He laid her across the back seats of his Range Rover and then closed the door. He climbed into the driver's side and then zoomed out of his parking space.

"Amy, I need you to try and take deep breaths and keep calm. I'm going to take you to the hospital, okay?" He ensured her as he continued his frantic driving.

Amy blinked and tried to ease her breathing. She had had panic attacks before but they were never this intense. She felt like everything was collapsing around her. Her breathing was uneven and her shaking body was leaving her. She felt light-headed and as if she was no longer all there. Her eye sight was slowly fading as she tried to fight away the dark. Harry checked his mirror and noticed that she was gradually leaving him. "Amy! Stay awake, don't close your eyes! We're almost there." His voice was filled with nerves as he reached the hospital.

He parked the car and jumped out of his seat. He picked up Amy's frail body and carried her through to the entrance of A&E. He walked in and noticed the near empty waiting room, having it being a ridiculous hour of the morning.

"I need help; I don't know what's happened to her!" Harry rushed his words as he informed the woman working behind the reception desk. She rushed to his side and called the night-time nurses. After a few moments, Amy was placed onto a bed and was rushed away into one of the rooms. Harry was left stood in the waiting room by himself as he watched her being rolled away. He tried to calm his own panicked state as he then sat down in one of the available chairs. He placed his head in the palms of his hands and rubbed his eyes.

What the fuck just happened?


This chapter was not planned at all and I'm glad I was finally able to write something! This was much more intense but finally revealed more to the plot of the story. Zayn actually made a real appearance...

I hope you've all read my authors note. And as I said, I will update every now and again. These crap updates will only be until around Christmas time.

I'm going to the Doctors tomorrow so hopefully that will help me out sort out some of this stress I've been dealing with. I'm a bit nervous about it, if I'm honest...

Thank you all for your support, you're all so lovely!

Remember to vote and comment xxxx

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