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Word had leaked out that the king Y/N's father was in the hospital... He had a stroke. After visiting him the princess couldn't help but cry for hours and hours on end as there was nothing she could do to help him... Yeah, he may have tried to kill her now husband but she had forgiven him- As he was only trying to do what was best for the kingdom. 

"It's ok Y/N," Sweet Pea reassured stopping his pacing for a second. "I mean he can't die this young..."

"We might be taking over the throne Sweets," She whispered looking down through tears. "I didn't want it to come this early but it just might happen,"

"You're father he's a fighter," The knight reassured. "And if anything he will run this kingdom until he tells me himself that I should take over-"

"I'm just glad that you still have faith in him after he tried to kill you," She exclaimed with a small laugh.

"That was a long time ago... I mean hell he didn't kill me and now he's ok with me running his kingdom!" The raven-haired man whispered sitting next to her on the bed.

They hugged for what felt like hours but was really only a couple of minutes until suddenly the door to their room burst open and there stood someone that Y/N didn't know but Sweet Pea obviously did.

"My lord Sweet Pea we are under attack!" the man exclaimed frantically causing everyone's eyes to widen in fear as suddenly there were noises that couldn't be explained.

"What... No that's impossible-"

"They heard about the king and thought that we were weak!" The man exclaimed. "I must go get our gear!" And before Sweet Pea could say another word he ran away.

"That was Archie... One of our troops," The raven-haired man explained sensing that Y/N was confused.

"A-Are we really being attacked?" Y/N asked in a small voice scared.

"I don't know... But I have to go," Her husband exclaimed slipping on some shoes and grabbing some more things.

"No Sweets don't go... Don't leave me!" His princess exclaimed pulling him back by the arm.

"I don't have a choice- I have to go," He whispered looking down with a sigh. "Don't leave this room... Lock the door I'll be back,"

"No!" She exclaimed jumping out in front of him.

"Y/N..." He started only to stop himself at what she had just done. "Really?" She had gradually brought down his hands so that they were against her stomach.

"I-I was going to tell you but then my dad was rushed to the hospital and... And I didn't want you maybe die not knowing-"

"I will come back," He promised opening the door and turning back to her and bringing her into a deep kiss. "And then we'll figure this out... Just don't leave,"

"Sweets you don't know that," She whispered looking down through tears.

"I do know... Because I won't stop fighting- Just like I didn't all those years ago-"

"I love you," She whispered looking down with a cry.

"I love you more," He whispered, placing a kiss to the top of her head and that was when he was gone...

Y/N knew that she wasn't supposed to leave however what was she supposed to do? Stay there with the man she just killed? "Y/N!" Betty exclaimed coming into the room.

"Betty thank god," She whispered dropping the knife that she had been holding.

"Did you...?" The maid asked slowly looking at her in shock.

"He attacked me," The princess cried hugging her friend for dear life.

"We should go to your father," The blonde whispered looking down. "He should know what to do," So that was where they went.

"Dad we just don't know what to do!" Y/N exclaimed looking at her father with sad eyes pacing his room.

"Where is Sweet Pea... He'll know what to do," Her father whispered sitting up with a grunt.

"He went out fighting father they attacked me... They're in the castle!" His daughter exclaimed causing his eyes to widen.

"No... That can't be- No one wanted to attack us!" He exclaimed with rage. "Whoever did this must have been planning this for a long time-"

"Where's mother?" She asked quickly looking around the room. "Why is she not here?"

"She went to go shower... She should be safe in our room," He explained looking down with a sigh. "I just wish there was something I could do-"

"Oh my god Y/N you're bleeding!" Betty exclaimed looking at the princess's blood-soaked gown.

Gradually Betty moved the sleeve down a little bit revealing a medium sized gash... Not to bad yet it still hurt. "The man that attacked me... He must have gotten me with his knife," Y/N explained sitting down in a chair.

The princess began to hyperventilate through tears, not even caring anymore to hold it all in she had to just get it all out... She couldn't bear the thought of Sweet Pea being hurt or worse dead.

"Come on Y/N calm down it's ok," Betty tried to reassure... However the princess wasn't having any of it.


Sweet pea did return that evening injured yet alive just like he promised... Things after that were slow, dead bodies were removed and people slowly began to calm down- Well as best they could after most almost died after the attack.

"It was Greendale," Sweet Pea explained through a sigh. "They were the ones that attacked us-"

"But how I thought we were friends... We trade all the time!" The king exclaimed more confused than ever.

"I don't think they turned on us, sir... No one knows why but we have to be prepared for another attack- And soon..."

"I don't like the sound of that... They killed many of our good men!" The king exclaimed angrily.

That night lasted longer than ever both the princess and the knight were worried about their kingdom not knowing what was to happen next as everything just came crashing down at that moment.

They might be going to war.

"Now Y/N I need you to be prepared for anything," The raven-haired man whispered looking down at his hands. "Anything including the fact that I might die soon-"

"I couldn't live with it years ago. So why would I be able to live with it now?" She questioned looking at the man that she loved in shock. "I did all this so that you would not die!"

"Y/N there is nothing that I can do... I must fight for this kingdom- Us," He mumbled looking down with a sigh.

Yet Sweet Pea wasn't going to die... Oh no it would not be him dying but indeed Y/N- Because he was dumb enough to think that leaving her was for the better.

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