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"What do you mean you cheated on me?" The raven-haired man asked not believing a word that just came out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry Sweet Pea it just happened... I was drunk please forgive me!" She pleaded taking his hand in hers... He flinched at the touch.

"Get out," He growled looking her in the eyes. "Get out before I say something I'll regret!" She ran out of the trailer in tears... This serpent was her everything why did she have to blow it all for nothing...

The flanneled man cried and he cried until he couldn't anymore... No tears were left– His migraine hurt more than ever as he rubbed his tired worn out eyes reaching for his phone.

"Hello?" His best friend asked on the other line.

"I-I need you," He stuttered with a sigh... He didn't want to look weak but what other choice did he have his whole world just fell apart thirty minutes ago.

"Sweets? What's going on?" She questioned confused.

"P-Please just come over," He whispered in a raspy voice.

Ten minutes later she burst in the door only to see the true mess that he really was.

"Y/N," He breathed as she quickly wrapped him in a hug.

"What happened?" She asked the question that was lingering in her mind.

"S–She cheated on me!" He cried giving his best friend a pained look.

"Betty... With who?" His friend asked confused.

"Jughead," He breathed looking down. "One of my best friends,"

"So then we get her back!" Y/N exclaimed jumping up and down like a little kid excitedly.

"And how do we do that?" He questioned confused.

"We pay Kevin and make her think that you're gay!" She exclaimed laughing. "Oh god, this is going to be amazing!"

Day one of their plan, Sweet Pea and Kevin began to hang out in the open a lot... Betty avoiding her "boyfriend" at all costs only to stop when she saw the raven-haired man leaning over Kevin that afternoon.

She brushed it off though they were just getting along well that's it. But one week later on the eighth day of their plan Y/N ran into Betty purposely trying to hold in laughs acting angry.

"What's wrong?" She asked confused and concerned.

"I can't believe he didn't tell me!" She roared stomping her foot and faking tears.

"Who what?" The sweater bearing girl asked confused.

"Did you know Sweet Pea was gay? I caught him and Kevin at his locker-" And that was when it sunk in for Betty and she wasn't going to stop until she got answers.

"Thank you, Kevin, so much!" Sweet Pea exclaimed hugging his friend.

"I honestly still can't believe Betty did that to you... I've known her for years and would have never thought she would be the one to do that," He mumbled looking down with a sigh. "She probably hates me,"

"Shit I didn't think about that Kev I'm so sorry," Y/N apologized looking down... "I just thought that it would be funny,"

"Oh no, it was funny! Did you see the look on her face? She deserved it... We'd been growing apart lately, gosh she didn't even tell me about any of it," He murmured, taking a sip of his milkshake. "Anyways I should go, guys!"

They said their goodbyes, Y/N and Sweet Pea heading over to his trailer for their movie marathon and to laugh more about their amazing plan.

Although gradually sleep took over Y/N halfway through the night even though they said "Let's pull an all-nighter," Her raven-haired best friend didn't mind though flicking off the TV.

He went to get up and carry her to his bed, but she pulled him back. "Don't leave me," she exclaimed, trying to pull him back peeked an eye open.

He nodded crawling back onto the couch beside her, it is a tight squeeze their bodies being pressed together Y/N basically on top of her best friend.

"Thanks... I was cold," She whispered as he reached for a blanket and gently rested it over with a sigh of relief.

"No problem," He whispered sending one last glance his friends way before falling into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning the friends woke up to a sudden light flooding through the trailer... With a groan, the raven-haired man peeked up his eyes with a squint only to see Betty staring at them in shock.

"So you not only are with Kevin but Y/N too? We didn't even officially break up... How could you?" She questioned with rage waking up the other girl too.

"W-What's going on?" Y/N asked confused sitting up... It was only then that she realized the position her and Sweet Pea was in... Not being able to deny she loved being in his arms- They made her feel safe, warm and more importantly loved. "It's not what it looks like... We fell asleep watching movies-"

"I can't believe this!" The blonde exclaimed pacing the room. "I trusted you Sweet Pea!"

"And I trusted you... You're the one that cheated- I never did it was all an act to get you back!" He shot back as the yelling began Y/N quickly then felt awkward still being there.

"Well guess what we might just be stuck together..." The blonde exclaimed looking at him through tears.

"No... Were over-"

"Well, you could be the father!" She shot back causing both Y/N's and Sweet Peas eyes to go wide in shock.

"W-What?" He asked with shock.

"It's either you or Jughead," She whispered looking at him through pain. "I-"

"How long have you been cheating on me?" He asked in pure anger.

"Sweet Pea-"

"How long?" He asked again this time it was louder.

"A few months after we started dating," She whispered looking down embarrassed. "That's why I've scheduled a blood test-"

"I can't believe you had the audacity to even come back here!" He exclaimed turning his back to her. "Get out or so help me god I'll-" And that was when he heard the door slam.

"Looks like she deserved way more then we gave her," Y/N whispered looking down. "I'm sorry Sweets,"

"Please... Just don't- I think you need to go home to," He hissed turning his back to her as well.

"I was just trying to help-"

"Please Y/N just leave," He pleaded never looking back as then again he heard another door slam.

"Did you get the results?" His best friend asked squeezing his hand tightly... They had gotten closer after the breakup- And things couldn't have been better. Y/N was glad that the whole thing was almost over... Now all they had to do was pray that the baby wasn't his.

"The baby isn't Jugheads..." He whispered trailing off at the end with a sigh- As he felt his whole life crumble into pieces and his mind explode with thoughts.

"Wait... But it's not yours!" She exclaimed catching him by surprise.

"Then who's is it?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Archies..." She whispered her mouth open in shock as they sat there staring.

"I can't believe it," Sweet Pea whispered looking her in the eyes with a small smile. "Thank you Y/N you have no idea how much you've helped me-"

"No need to thank me... Though I guess this now gives me a good reason to do this-" And that was when their lips crashed together in sync- Things turning out to be perfect for the friends just how it was always supposed to be.

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