"S H O T S F I R E D,"

817 19 13

Y/N and Sweet Pea were sitting cuddling in the White Wyrm... This was where they lived now with many of the other serpents after they got kicked out of sunny side trailer park.

"Sweets, how long are we going to be here?" Y/N asked quietly glancing around at many of the drunk serpents.

She wanted to be alone with her boyfriend sometimes not sharing two bathrooms with all these people, sure they were all like her family but sometimes enough is enough.

"I don't know... But we're fine," He whispered as she messed with his fingers.

"But what if-"

"Stop worrying... Nothing will happen, we're all safe here," He reassured pulling her into his arms.

"Get a room!" Toni exclaimed covering her eyes.

"We're in one!" Y/N resorts with a laugh.

"Ugh whatever," She mumbled checking the time. "Alright 12 you all know what that means lights out!"

All the serpents got settled to where they had been sleeping for the last few days, with many sighs. Thanks to Hiram half the gang was homeless, and revenge wasn't an option since they would only be arrested since the cops dislike them.

"Goodnight I love you," Sweet Pea whispered so only Y/N could hear.

"I love you to Sweets," And that was when they both fell asleep on the small couch together, leaving no space between each other.

It was one big serpent sleepover... That was for sure.


The whole gang woke up to pounding on the door... As Jughead, Cheryl and Archie burst into the bar.

"T-They're-" The redhead panted trying to catch his breath.

"What?" Fangs asked rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"We must leave- Hiram he's coming!" Jughead exclaimed looking around frantically.

"Then we fight!" Sweet Pea yelled getting up only to be pulled back by Y/N.

"No... My mother she said-" Cheryl started only to stop.

Hiram and a bunch of other men walked in... But not just any men, armed men.

"Mom?" Cheryl asked confused.

"Wow I didn't expect you to be awake- I guess that'll make it more fun," Herminie smiled stepping in.

"Wait you're in on this?" Archie asked confused.

While they talked things out, Sweet Pea began to whisper to Y/N who was overtaken by fear in front of him.

"Y/N I love you..." He mumbled looking down at her not caring if they heard him or not.

"Sw-" And that was when the Serpents began to fight...

Y/N's serpent boyfriend lead her fast out the back door, against one of her many protests.

"I HAVE TO HElP!" She yelled as they were now outside but his grip on her wrist only seemed to tighten.

"I don't want you getting hurt," He whispered looking down both arms slowly snaking around her. "All I want is for a normal life-"

They froze when they heard the steps behind them, knowing who it was. Sweetpea reaches for his knife fast but... Not fast enough.

But it was too late for the couple as they were then surrounded... With two loud thumbs, they were both on the floor, knocked out.


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