"ƒɑԵҽ íՏ մղՏԵօԹԹɑҍӀҽ"

411 15 3

They didn't think that they were supposed to meet that cold wet night but they did. Hell God didn't even plan it- They were attracted to each other, some how some way.

There was no way to pull them apart. Well there was one- Death, and they didn't expect it to hit so soon.

Sweet Pea stood on the cliffs edge ready to die, he didn't want... No he couldn't live anymore. Not with- not with the-

That was when the air rushed across his body fast, his eyes sewn shut as he flew in mid air his flanneled body smashed against the water below him.

He didn't try and swim... No he wanted this- The raven haired man needed this.

Although of course he was saved, yet again... Just like last time. He coughed up water shivering from the cold wondering who the hell was at the beach this late in the freaking night.

"Are you OK?" The Y/C/H girl asked.

He coughed up water, messing with his hair so he could gaze upon her beautiful eyes. He could tell she had been crying and had no clue why the heck would she even save him.

The only thing he could do was nod. "Do you need a ride or..." She trailed off at the end not knowing what to say.

"I-I don't have anywhere to go," He explained through small stutters.

And that was when it all began, things were good until he finally told her why...

"Y-You..." She couldn't even get the words out...

They had become friends for a few months now, Y/N being a new resident to Riverdale. She knew all the serpents as she worked at the white wyrm part time, going to college and all.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner," She finally got out.

"I don't know," He whispered cut short by a cough. "Come here,"

They stayed in the warm hug for a long time, neither wanting to move as he let her cry into his shoulder.

"I don't want you to leave me," She cried. "Your the only thing I have left!"

Y/N had moved to Riverdale after her parents died... She had to get away from the past it was dragging her down as every little thing she did would only bring back the memories of them.

Slowly they were now laying on the couch neither of them talking, none of them wanting to ruin the moment. The burning silence was cut short though by none other then another cough.


"Hey guys," Y/N smiled at all her friends sitting in the booth. "Where's Sweet-"

"We need to talk to you," Toni exclaimed as the others gave her death glares.

"Well I'm at work-"

"It's about Sweet Pea," Jughead interrupted.

"W-What about him?" She asked with a voice crack.

They all scooted in giving her some room to sit and that was when there conversation began.

"He's getting worse," Jughead finally got out messing with a napkin no one seemed to want to talk as Y/N began letting it sink in.

"He told me things were looking up," She mumbled gazing upon the serpent's.

"Today was an eye opener... Sweet Pea won't even play pool anymore gosh dang it Y/N he lying to you-"

"Why would he do that?" She questions as tears stung her eyes.

No one seemed to have an answer.

"He doesn't have much time left," Fangs finally got out.

"No..." Y/N whispered running a hand down her face. "He's strong-"

"But only strong enough," The beanie wearing man clarified.

"But... But I love him," She exclaimed.

Toni and cheryl squealed as Betty gasped as Fangs smirked.

"Have you told him that?" Jughead asked ruining the moment.

Y/N shook her head.


"I have to work-"

"Screw work we'll cover for you!" Betty smiled.

They all shipped it.

Y/N dropped her apron and notepad with a smile.

"Thanks guys this-"

"GO!" Toni yelled as she smiled and nodded.

However when Y/N got outside that's when she became nervous.

Gradually  the young adult made way towards Sweet Peas house making sure to take her time.

"Sweets," She mumbled sitting next to him on the couch.

"Yeah?" He asked looking her in the eyes.


Before she could even get the words out his lips were placed gently against hers.

And boy did they fit like a puzzle piece.

"Y/N I'm dying," He whispered looking away.

"Me to," She gasped.

"Literally," He breathed looking down.

"No, you won't I can't let you," She mumbled laying her head in his lap.

He went to go say something but Y/N shushed him not wanting to ruin the moment.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may now kiss your bride,"

That was when Y/N's and Sweet Peas lips locked and everyone cheered. Things were perfect ever since the raven haired man began to get better... However a few days later the serpent began to cough again.

And that was when the cancer hit.

"W-What if the surgery doesn't go well?" Y/N asked as her and Sweet Pea laid in his hospital bed.

He sighed looking at his wife with hurt filled eyes.

"Everything is going to be OK..." He promised with a smile. "They can't get rid of me that easy,"

"It's time," A nurse explained coming into the room.

The raven haired man urgently pushed his lips on Y/N's, only to be pulled apart.

"I love you," He whispered finally letting her hand go.

"I love you!" She called and that was when he was wheeled away and she was alone in the room.


"That's how you met dad?" The little girl asked with a smile.

"Yep," Y/N smiled tucking her in. "And he would kill me if he knew I told you,"

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I don't want anyone to know that Y/N is my weak spot," Sweet Pea exclaimed coming in the doorway.

"Daddy!" She cheered as he swept her up into a hug.

Yeah Sweet Pea was still recovering yet with Y/N by his side he could get through anything coming his way... Even if that meant fighting death itself.

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