"The Monsters Within," FINAL PART!

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Hello readers, I am happy to inform you that I have decided to make the monsters Within a whole book, so once I get that done I'll let ya'll know! THX FOR THE SUPPORT!

"We're just kids," Y/N mumbled looking at her Twelve-year-old best friend in shock. "You can't possibly work-"

"If I don't then we'll go hungry," He mumbled with a sigh.

"What about school?" She asked as he looked down with a sigh.

"I'll have to work after-" He mumbled cutting himself off not knowing what else to say.

The next day felt longer than ever as the friends went to school, which felt like the world was ending. "Your nothing but a stupid poor boy!" Yelled the richest kid in Riverdale0 His friends snickered looking at the worn out flannel wearing clad with smirks.

He had a thing against Sweet Pea, oh gosh everyone knew about it. Every other kid that went to this godforsaken middle school was poor. He had it our for the kid that stole Y/N from him-But no one knew that...

The bully didn't have anything more than anyone else... except foodwise, oh and a better sewer system. So he may be cleaner and even have more flesh than his poor victim but that didn't make him any better... Sweet Pea was a better person- All the kids knew that.

"Live him alone!" His best friend exclaimed coming into view.

"Y/N just... Go," The raven-haired man whispered looking at her with pleading eyes.

No one knew how this would end up, gosh it was after the final bell. But she didn't want to leave her best friend behind... She couldn't.

"Aw is your girlfriend here to protect you?" The bully laughed, his spit pelting their faces, the friends both shot disgusted glances his way. "Your nothing but trash... Answer me!" 

He pinned the poor boy against the wall. "Just leave him alone," The best friend tried to reason but the bully wouldn't have any of it.  All eyes turned her way as she continued. "He never did anything to you,"

But before anyone could do anything to stop it, a beating began.


"W-Why would you just let him do that to you?" Y/N asked in pure anger looking away with an angry huff. "You could have at least fought back!"

"Hey, at least this way I"m not suspended," He mumbled trying to lighten with mood... But it didn't work as well as he had hoped.

He whipped the side of his mouth with a wince, only to smear the blood. "I just don't know what I'm going to tell mom and dad," He mumbled as they made way home.

"I'm just glad I left to get the principle or you could be dead!" She exclaimed as he took her hand in his in a sense of trying to soothe her.

They were on their way down the street, everyone, everything, was quiet... Very quiet. Not even a cricket. "Do you hear that?" Her friend asked all so suddenly.


"Exactly!" He yelled their eyes gazed around the area as both noticed the Hushers- Leaving Sweet Pea's house.

"Mom?" Sweet Pea asked quickly. "Dad?" He ran in the small house past the royal guards who gave him dirty looks.

Y/N went to leave but the guards took hold of both her arms. "Let go of me!" She hissed thrashing in their grips. "Sweets!"

"We must take you for questioning," One of them explains.

"Let her go," Her best friends mother tried to reason.

ѕ w e e т  p e a  ONE - SHOTS 🐍 (🅡🅘🅥🅔🅡🅓🅐🅛🅔)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz