"Unknown love,"

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Y/N never got the chance to tell him... Tell the raven-haired man that she's madly in love with him. It had been years since she had seen her longtime best friend but honestly, it felt like a lifetime... No one knew that he was going to be in the army- She still wonders why he had the perfect life in Riverdale.

The young adult was going to tell her best friend the next day... However he was already gone, she had found out through his mother. He had never said goodbye to her, which hurt a lot... Almost more then him being gone so long. The raven-haired man had explained in many letters that it was simply because he knew that it would hurt him a lot.

Which then lead back to the main question, no one knows why the hell he even did it in the first place... There is one theory that his parents have that he was doing it for the amazing insurance which makes a whole lot of sense.

Yet no one ever wanted the raven-haired man gone... At risk of dying.

"Why are you so tense?" His best friend questioned as they stared up at the ceiling.

She should have known something was wrong, but she didn't want to push for an answer... That would be a mistake. June 16th the last time Y/N Y/L/N had seen her best friend years ago. Now he could be hurt... Or worse dead.

"No reason," He whispered looking down at her. "I just came to see you,"

She smiled as his arm draped across her shoulders. "So what should we do?" She questioned.

"This," He whispered pulling her closer.  "You're warm," A blush clouded the best friend's cheeks... If only she knew why he was being so touchy, it was because of the fact that he was leaving the next day, and she wouldn't see him for years to come.

Y/N walked into Sweet Pea's parent's house to check on them... She had been doing this a lot now... They actually started saying that she was like a daughter to them. Just as she closed the door there was a voice behind her that she hadn't heard in years.

"Sweet Pea?" She asked spinning around fast only to find his parents watching an old video of him on the TV... Him and her.

She gasped. "I remember that... When we built that stupid tree house in the woods!"

"Frank here found the old thing in the attic," His mother explains patting Y/N's back in awe.

"I miss him!" Both girls cried at the same time.

This was exactly what Y/N needed... Not a letter- Yet to hear his actual voice once again. The voice of her best friend... The voice that sends shivers down her spine every time she hears it, however it was cut short by the phone ringing.

Both girls looked up as if scared to get the phone... Scared that they may be calling about the raven-haired man. Frank got up with a groan, looking at his wife in pure terror- He knew exactly what it might be... Just like everyone else.

"Oh... Yeah... What's that mean?... Ok... Thank you, Bye," They could hear his hushed voice as they gradually sneaked up behind him... However that was when they saw his shoulders tense up as he turned around to face them.

Both women had their eyes wide, waiting to know what was going on... Waiting to know who was on the other side of that phone. He couldn't have died- Not after all these years- No it's not fair!

"He was MED boarded," His father cried not even explaining what it means.

"What does that mean?" His wife asked in shock trying to gain his attention but he wasn't having any of it. "Tell me Frank!" He didn't want to be the one to tell them... Tell his wife or Y/N who was like a daughter to them that Sweet Pea-

The cries erupted the room faster than ever... As slowly the words began to sink in. He was in the hospital all the way in Virginia- Sweet Pea might die before they even make it there.

"Well we have to book the first flight there and-" The mother started rambling... So that was what they did... One day later they arrived at the hospital that he was transferred to- the best hospital that they could get him to in time.

"Is he going to be ok?" His mother questioned the doctor as he leads them to his room... They prayed and prayed wanting to see the raven-haired man so bad although not like this... No never like this.

"We don't know yet... He has to go into surgery soon and we might have to amputate his leg," He explained looking at the clipboard. "But that's all up to the head doctor,"

There they were at the door... The one thing keeping them from seeing Sweet Pea after all these years- However no one wanted to see him now... Not like this. They wanted their old Raven-haired man back... But ever since he was little they knew that he was going to do great things.

"Oh Sweets," Y/N whispered looking at him in sobs.

His mother placed her face in her husband's chest not able to bear seeing their son like that, as for Y/N she fell to the floor head in knees crying... It was horrible seeing her best friend like that. Paler than paper, bloodied and bruised... He looked horrible to be honest- Like a whole new person.

His parents left the room not able to take the sight any longer, as Y/N cried and she cried until the nurse came in. "W-When will he wake up?" She questioned leaning back in the uncomfortable chair.

"Soon," She lady smiled.

Soon, it was always just soon they had been waiting for the soon forever. The soon that he would be coming home soon that he would send another letter. The soon that maybe he had just died.

"Y-Y/N," He stuttered minutes later as her head shot up... She was so overwhelmed at the sound of his raspy voice... The voice she hadn't heard in real life in years.

She took his hand in hers, rubbing her thumb over it trying to soothe him. "It's ok Sweet Pea..."

"It hurts..." He whispered looking down. "My leg... And ribs,"

"I can go get the nurse-"

"No please don't leave me!" He exclaimed with a sigh. "Tell me... Everything."

So she ended up telling him everything that happened, how close she was to his parents now... How she graduated college... How long it had been without him... How his leg might have to be amputated.

"A nearby bomb blew up... And then the next thing I knew I was in flying in the air," He whispered with a sigh. "I'm just glad I actually... Lived,"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving Sweets?" She asked in a hurt filled voice.

"I knew that if I did... I would have broken down right there," He mumbled looking away. "I'm sorry," She pulled him into a light hug trying not to hurt him anymore then he already is.

"Please don't ever leave me again," She whispered into his shoulder.

"I won't," He promised stroking her hair.

"I love you, Sweets," She whispered looking him in the eyes. "Not just as-" Yet he cut her off with a kiss.

A few minutes later his parents and doctor burst back in the room...

ѕ w e e т  p e a  ONE - SHOTS 🐍 (🅡🅘🅥🅔🅡🅓🅐🅛🅔)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora