"FIgHt fOr Me," Part Two

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The king had known Sweet Pea since he was just a young boy... Watching him grow up into the man that he was today- The man that always gave up his life for the royal family even if he wasn't forced to do so... He was like a son to Y/N's father.

Yet the thought of his daughter not being with a prince angered him... He knew that the princess knew that she had to be with a prince, not some poor knight- Sweet Pea could not run a kingdom nonetheless his. The raven-haired knight had too much of a heart and the king knew that he could never be able to make the horrible decisions that were to come with being a king.

Although Y/N didn't care... All she wanted was her knight in shining armor. The one that was always there to protect her, make her laugh... The one that she actually loved not some man that was rich, whom she had never even met. The one that she fought to protect and now that had failed to protect... The one that she risked everything for.

Sweet Pea was very well known as one of the kings very most trusted... Someone to co-lead the armies and fight for what was right. Yet for the first time ever the raven-haired knight was fighting for something that he felt was right but the king did not believe in.

The dark-eyed knight had betrayed the king's trust... And so had his daughter. Although of course he couldn't sentence his daughter to death- and he knew that if he left his most trusted knight alive that they would find a way to be together.

So he kept pushing for the execution.

The Queen was locked in her room as well not allowed to leave until things were over... She didn't even know the true reason why- Hell no one did, except for them and one other person- The person that would help save the day-

Y/N cried and she cried until no more tears were left, she threw things and she screamed with anger and agony not knowing what else to do... There was no other way out- The man that she loved was going to die and it was all her fault- sure the princess at a young age loved the idea of being royalty... Having balls, marrying a prince. Yet now as she is living it now she knew that it was all so foolish.

She wanted to true- And boy would she fight to get it.

"Y/N!" Betty exclaimed bursting in the room. "Come on we don't have much time,"

"Betty, what are you doing here?" The princess asked confused looking at her maid in shock.

"I'm saving you guys... I know how much he means to you," The blonde exclaimed pulling the other girl by the arm. "Now let's go,"

And there he was... Her knight in shining armor. He was crouched down on his knees in the corner, she couldn't see his face but the way his body was shaking he was crying. Oh, his body beaten and bloody, honestly, Y/N couldn't believe that her father had ordered this to the young boy that he had practically raised.

"Sweets," Y/N cried as Betty went to keep a lookout.

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked slowly looking up at her through the bars keeping them apart.

"I'm here to save you... Sweets they are planning to kill you-"

"I already knew," He mumbled looking down. "And I'm fine with dying as long as it means that you'll live-"

"You can't do this to me," Y/N exclaimed reaching through the bars and out for him he instead got up going as close to her as well.

They placed their foreheads against the bars, their hands gripping one another's... Tears never left both their cheeks as they knew that this could be the end for them. "I'll fight for you," Y/N whispered looking at him through tears.

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