"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠," ★ PART ONE

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"Sweets you're drunk!" His best friend exclaimed, trying to get him in the house yet he wasn't having any of it.

It was all Toni's fault, she was the bartender at the White wyrm and yet she never seemed to cut him off.

It was cold as Y/N shivered looking at the drunk man with pleading eyes. This was going to take forever, he was so stubborn.

Although  that was one of the many things she loved about her best friend.

"I don't want to!" He pouted like a little kid.

She sighed crossing her arms. "If you do I'll give you candy!" His face lit up at those words as he ran in the house.

The young adult made way in as well shrugging off her jacket and hanging it on the back of a chair.

Gradually she made way to the raven-haired man's room hearing shuffling on the other side of the cracked open door.

Pushing it open with a squeak she saw her friend laying in bed on top of all the covers, shoes still on.

"Candy now?" He asked with pleading eyes.

She sighed going over and pulling off each shoe. The young adult was now sitting up trying to get his shirt off but somehow managed to get stuck.

"Help!" He exclaimed flailing around Y/N leaned over pulling it over his dark curls with a little smile.

"There you go," She whispered looking him up and down maybe a little to long. "I'll give you candy in the morning,"

She went to leave however the brown eyed man pulled her back... So that their faces were close. "Don't go,"

"But Pea curfew-" Although before she could even finish her sentence his lips were on hers in perfect sync.

Even if it wasn't him and he was drunk, she didn't care. Y/N had been in love with Sweet Pea for years, and now it was finally happening and she didn't seem to care how.

"Wow," He breathed with a smile.

Yet before she could say anything, or even react- he yanked her into bed with him. She was on top of the raven-haired man as they stared into each other's eyes.

Y/N couldn't deny the fact that she loved what was happening however in the back of her mind she knew she couldn't take advantage of him being drunk.

She flipped over so that she was next to him on the bed, head resting on his chest. "Goodnight pea," She mumbled with a yawn pulling the covers over them.

Before she was even asleep two warm soft lips could be felt against her head. In her mind she began to fan girl as her blood pressure raised.

"I love you," He softly whispers and that was how she fell into the best sleep she's had in a long time.


Y/N woke up the next day well rested liking the smell around her. Slowly she opened her eyes only to be met by a warm chest.

His arms were tightly around her torso, as the back of her head rested against his armpit. Everything smelling of leather, man shampoo and pine.

Everything came back from last night, as a blush formed across her face. The kiss, the part where he said I love you.

"How long have you been awake?" She questions looking up at her best friend who stared down at her.

"About an hour-"

"Why didn't you wake me?" She asked sitting up fast.

"You looked really peaceful," He explains rubbing his head. "What happened last night?"

"Uh-ERM..." She didn't want to tell him her face heating up more than ever before.

"What?" He asked confused looking her in the eyes. "Tell me!"

"You uh kissed me and then told me that you loved me-" She mumbled looking away face heated.

He sighed looking down. "I hope we're still friends after this but it's true-"

"What?" She asked in a shock filled voice. "Sweets I love you too,"

He was even more shocked then her his eyes wide smile soon forming across his lips.

Their lips soon met, two puzzle pieces slowly connecting. Both smiling through the whole thing in awe.

"If I would've known this would have happened sooner," He whispered placing his arms firmly around her waist.

"Well I-" Yet before she could even reply her phone began to go off.

She got up leaving the room, the raven-haired man sitting there the smile never leaving his face.

He may have a major headache but getting drunk was so worth it now.

"I have to go," Y/N whispered from the doorway as she slipped on her jacket. "My parents are pissed I missed curfew,"

He sighed, getting up and going over to her wrapping her in a hug. "At least let me drive you," He murmured resting his chin on the top of her head.

She glanced up at the brown eyed man through her lashes something he loved that she did.

So he leaned down letting their lips touch, as sparks flew.

"God I love you," He whispered hand gently gripping her chin and thumb stroking her face. "I'll never get used to this," She smiled giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Get dressed!" She exclaimed turning away from her best friend. "And I love you!"

Sweet Peas bike pulled up into his best friends driveway as they sat there for a couple of minutes Y/N not wanting to face her parents.

"Are you my girlfriend now Y/N?" He questioned breaking the silence as they hugged goodbye.

"Yeah," she mumbled blushing. "Bye Sweets,"

She made way into the house, only to be bombarded by her parents. "Y/N God we were worried sick!" her mother exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I was with Sweets," She explains sliding off her jacket.

"Y/N he is no good for you... He's making you get into trouble!" Her father exclaimed causing her to freeze.

"But I chose-"

"We don't want you guys hanging out anymore," Her mother explains slowly.

"Well that sucks for you because I am," She snapped not knowing where this courage came from.

"We knew that you would disagree that's why-" However,  Y/N couldn't hear the rest as hands began to grip her arms.

"W-What is this?" She asked thrashing around. "Let go of me!"

"We're sorry that it had to come to this," Her mother whispered looking down. "But it was-Is the only way to keep you safe,"

"STOP! Mom dad help!" She exclaimed thrashing in their grip.

However there was no one to help her now, and that night she went to sleep in the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy.

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