"Cheater," Part Two

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"I'm here for Sammy," His voice was heard,  deep and scary. 

"You don't have custody over him anymore," Sweet Pea explained coming into view through a calm voice.

This made the ex's face to go pale as he realized what had happened in all those years apart. 

"Y-You and him?" He asked with a breath of disbelief then a chuckle. "I always knew that you were cheating on me with this-"

"Woah we got together after," Y/N reassured cutting him off with a sigh. "So you have no right to come here and take Sam," 

"At least let me see him," He pleaded Y/N nodding giving her husband a reassuring look. 

"Sammy!" The raven-haired man called. 

As much as Y/N didn't want this there was nothing to be done to stop it. She hated looking at her young son and seeing nothing yet the past... The past with his father. Although she never held that against him... 

She would always love him more than anything. His father chooses God over him and his mother promised to never be the same... And well his new father was better than his real one which hurt a little yeah, however Sammy wouldn't go back...  

He couldn't. 

"Y/N don't cry," Sweet Pea whispered once Sammy had left... With his real father. 

She knew he had a right to his son, and she didn't want to keep Sammy from him. 

"I-I just don't want him to go through that," She whispered looking up at her husband. 

"He won't," The serpent reassured taking her hand in his. "It's one day," 

She nodded as he used the pads of his thumb to wipe away her tears. 

"Gosh," He whispered after a while of them cuddling. 

"What?" Y/N asked with a sigh.

"I know why he doesn't like me!"  


"He's apart of the ghoulies!" He yelled jumping up. "That's why I recognized his face!" 

Sweet Pea pulled on a shirt prancing around like a madman slipping on a flannel then his jacket. 

"I have to go... Take care of him for me," He whispered looking down into the crib.

"Sweets You're not going alone!" She exclaimed getting up with him. "We can drop Dean off at Cheryl and Toni's," She whispered putting her arms around his neck. 

She knew it was useless though as he would never let her go. "Stay here," He murmured into her hair. "I'll be back,"

The serpent made way for the door only to stop in his tracks. 

"But what if you don't," Y/N mumbled. "What if you don't come back,"

He sighed looking down. "I love you Y/N," 

However before she could even say it back he had left, so she took Sammy's little brother Dean into her arms and held him tight, not wanting to think of the terrible world. 

The world she had just let her son walk into. 

"Just let him go," Sweet Pea tried to reason looking up at the ghoulie.  

"Sammy is my son... You have no right to take him from me!" He exclaimed glancing at the tied up Sammy. 

"He's not your son anymore!" Before the serpent could react he was hit over the head with something hard his eyes drooping immediately. 

"Now I just need to pay a visit to my wife," 


"Come on Dean please stop crying," Y/N tried to reason with the child be he wasn't having any of it he wanted his father and that was when it hit the Y/H/C mother. 

 The front door closed and opened when the baby finally calmed down, a sigh in relief escaped her lips. 

Her husband was home, yet maybe not the one that she was expecting. 

"Sweets!" She exclaimed running across running across the trailer Dean bouncing in her arms. "I think we-" 

She stopped though not seeing her raven-haired serpent although instead her ex-husband.
"W-Where's Sam?" She asked never meeting his gaze. 

"Now with no distractions-" He took a step forward causing Y/N to back up until her back was to the wall. "We can finally be together... Like it was meant to be," 

"Where's Sweet Pea?" She asked looking him over. 

Him going to church was an act... A sick act to not get caught as a ghoulie and she had fallen for it. 

"W-Were over," She stuttered with fear trying to get away however he grabbed a hold of her hair causing her to yelp unable to get away. 

"Y/N/N," He taunted. "Not so fast," She looked at him with fear-stricken eyes. "I must finish God's work,"

And that was when life had fallen apart for the family- All in just three hours, three short hours. 

"Sweets," Y/N breathed looking up at him. 

He struggled against the restraints, the blood from his head rolling across his face. 

"Y/N no!" Her husband exclaimed whilist a single tear made way down his cheek. 

"Sit," He commanded and she did as told, head still spinning from being unconscious. 

"Where's Dean?" She asked through a sob. "Where's Sammy?"

This really brought shock in the serpents features as she looked like he wanted to cry,  however had to stay strong. 

"Somewhere safe," Before the couple could ask any more questions he left. 

"Have you seen Sammy?" Y/N asked right away her husband nodded looking down. 

Her husband nodded looking down. "From what I saw he's ok," He reassured. 

"For now," Their kidnappers voice was heard as he walked back in. 

"Why are you doing this?" He ignored the question though a smirk forming across his lips. 

"Tell me what the serpents have planned or... We'll hurt them," The raven-haired man gave Y/N a sympathetic look. 

"We were planning on taking the white wyrm back," Sweet Pea lied through his teeth. 

"Good, good,"

That was when he left the couple to think over what was going on once again. 

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this..." Sweet Pea whispered with a sigh. "It's all my fault,"

"No it's not," She mumbled looking up at him. "I'll always love you no matter what," 

Before anything could escape his lips the door burst open, and-

"Sammy?" Y/N asked with a smile but it slowly faded. 

"He's not my real father," Sammy growled looking at Sweet Pea. "He's an imposter," 

"I'm not trying to seem that way," Sweet Pea tried to reason with pleading eyes. 

"He's making me do this," Sammy whispered as he inched closer. "Or he'll hurt Dean," 


However that was before a gun was held to his head. 

"Stab him or you die," His father stated bluntly. 

"N-No," Sammy stuttered with a cry. 

That was when... Well, you know the rest.

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