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I smile, sitting in a booth at pops. Across from me are Betty and Jughead. My boyfriends arm goes around me, as I look up at him giving his hand a squeeze.

"You guys are such a cute couple," Betty exclaimed looking at us in awe.

"Not as cute as you guys," I explained while looking towards them.

"Nah, I think Sweets and I are the cutest couple," Jughead states jokingly.

He and Sweet Pea started doing their handshake, as Betty and I laughed.

Betty and I started talking about clothes, as the guys were talking about food... Of course.

My stomach started rumbling as we waited for our food, I looked down playing with My boyfriend's fingers... As Betty was texting her mom back, the guys were still talking when... All the sudden they stopped, in the middle of a conversation.

I looked up confused, as my boyfriend gave me a scared look pulling me closer to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

He eyed a napkin at the end of the table.

"Some guy in a black hood just left that napkin there," Jughead explained eyeing it too.

"So what? It's a napkin!" I exclaimed laughing.

"Ok... Whatever you say." Sweets mumbles still being a bit cautious... "But that guy gave me the creeps."

"Omg, your such a baby!" I exclaimed playfully punching his shoulder.

"Yeah, but he's my big baby," Jughead yelled making us laugh.

"Back off he's mine!" I explained smirking.

"Not for long..." Jughead mumbled as our food arrived.

We ate in silence, as the food was too good to talk. It tasted very good today... Maybe it's just because I'm starving.

Sweet Pea stares in one direction, I looked and saw that there was a guy staring our way... Weird.

Just then Jughead reached for the salt spilling milkshake all over Betty.

"I'm so sorry!" Jughead apologized looking for napkins but the only ones left were the 'Creepy' napkins.

I picked up the napkins, handing them to Betty.

"It's ok Jug and thanks." She whispered whipping her shirt. But it only made it worse... Black spots started showing up, as she set them down. They were covered with a black substance...

I grabbed them from her, seeing that it was ink. There was writing, on the napkin.

"Get out of here... While you still can." I read aloud.

"What's that does mean?" Betty asked, giving up on her shirt.

"It means we should leave," Sweets said, getting up. Swiftly sliding on his jacket.

"You're seriously scared... It's just a prank–" I was cut off, mid-sentence. by the door's bell ringing... and a gunshot being fired.

"Nobody move!" The masked person yelled pointing his gun out. "Or I will shoot!"

He walked closer and closer. Betty was, slowly scooting down in the booth gripping onto Jughead.

However for me, I couldn't move. I wish Sweets was beside me, so he could hold me and tell me everything would be ok... But it wasn't.

He was standing out in the open when the shooter kept getting closer and closer.

Pointing the gun to my boyfriend's chest...

"Give me a good reason that I shouldn't shoot you." The shooter said, in his deep voice.

"I don't know who you are, so there's no reason I would and or could turn you in," He mumbled hesitant to talk at first.

"Pop's, clean out the register... Oh and hand me your biggest strawberry milkshake!" The man said, Smirking.

He walked towards me, taking a seat. My boyfriend's fists went into a ball, as I scooted away.

"I don't bite." He said, looking at Betty and Jughead.

"Please, we don't want any trouble," I stuttered, breaking the silence.

He set his gun on the table looking at me.

"I wouldn't have come inside here if I didn't want any trouble." He explained stealing one of Jughead's fries.

"What's with the beanie Jug–Kid?... It's like 90 degrees out!" The masked man exclaimed looking at Jughead.

Hesitantly, Jughead removed his beanie not saying a word.

"Ahh, that's better!" He said, just as I saw Sweet Pea move a step closer to us.

I saw what he was looking at... The gun... No don't do it! I don't want you getting hurt...

He slowly started getting closer...

"Pop's hurry up! I don't have all day!" The guy yelled keeping his eyes on me.

"You're pretty." He whispered touching my hand that was on the table... I yanked it away.

"Thanks," I said, faking a smile. He eyes the promise ring Sweets gave me.

Right then, my boyfriend grabs the gun.

"Don't move!" He yelled pointing it at the guy.

"Sweet Pea you don't want to do that." The man said, getting up. 

How did he know his name?

The serpent moved back, gun in the same position. "Why not?"

"This." The man said pulling out another gun. Two shots were fired, one after another.

The man ran out the door. As Sweet's body dropped with a loud thud...

The man had just shot him... Tears rolled down my cheeks like a waterfall, as Betty called 911.

"Sweets, please just keep your eyes open!" I exclaimed taking his hand and giving it a squeeze.

"-I'm sorry, I died trying to protect you." We're his last words before his eyes shut and that was when I saw a pool of blood around us. Darkness overtook me... As I couldn't take it anymore.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Voices are what I had woken up to...

"When she wakes up, we can't tell her." Someone said as I felt the bed dip by my feet. "She'll freak out, and right now we need her to stay calm."

"Alright, but she'll find out sooner or later." Someone mumbled, as I finally opened my eyes.

"Not tell me what?" I asked, confused.

Jughead was hovering right over me, and Betty was by my feet.

"You're awake!" Betty exclaimed coming to my side.

"Not tell me what?" I questioned, confused.

"Sweets he's–"

"No, he can't be dead!" I mumbled starting to freak out.

"No- No!" Jughead exclaimed trying to calm me down.

"He's ok... It just..." Betty trailed off, looking down.

"It's just what?" I questioned, getting scared.

"It was Jason, that shot him." Jughead finished... Hugging Betty.

"That's not- that can't be true," I said, going to get up but Betty wouldn't let me.

"It's true," Betty whispered sitting down next to me... I cried on her shoulder not knowing what was going to happen next... "His fingerprints were on the table."

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