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I see Elle at the door and immediately invite her inside, I give her a hug but she pulls away instantly. I guess she could see my confused face

"H...he got my stomach."

"Who did this Elle? Who's doing this to you?'

I see Devan and he has brought an ice pack.

" dad."

I look up at Devan and we exchange worried faces.

"Here you go Elle, hold this on your stomach it with help with the bruising." Devan says.

I take Elle to the guest bed and she gives me a kiss on the cheek. She looked worried


"You missed Elle."


"You missed." I say as I give her a kiss on the lips and honestly it made me so happy I felt like she was mine.

Luckily Devan wasn't there, otherwise, he would get mad at me. I'm not going to tell him.

Once I put Elle to bed I told Devan to come into my room for a bit.

"We need to do something about this bro?"

"I know Collins but what can we do? Elle is going to keep getting hurt and I don't know what to do."

"Neither do I, I guess we will just have to keep taking her here."

"Ok bro, that'll be good."

"Night Devan."

"Night Collins."


Love you all thank you for reading!

Btw I have an Instagram fan account username is: dolann_chamberlainn

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