Chapter 7

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Ellie's POV

Chapter 7

 School went by quickly, thank goodness. Everything seemed to be a blur. Had lunch with Luke and a few friends who treated me like a normal human being, and went to all my classes. You know, the usual. 

 “I’m seriously about to use the bathroom excuse just to get out of here.” I said, groaning. Ms. Dover was boring me. We were reading ‘Of Mice and Men’ which was hands down the most boring book in the entire world. “Someone shoot me. Please. I’m begging you.” 

 “I’d rather read Twilight.” Luke mumbled from behind me, making me laugh a bit. 

 “Twilight wasn’t that bad.” 

 “It’s about an over dramatic girl with only one facial expression who can’t live without a boy. Edward’s just like, ‘I’ve been here every night. Watching you sleep.’ and Bella’s just like ‘Oh he’s so romantic.’ He’s a stalker. They’re not romantic. They’re creepy. Call the cops.” He said Bella’s part in a high-pitched voice making my friends and I laugh. We were trying to contain our giggles, noticing Ms. Dover was looking at us. 

 “Enough about the sparkling vampires.” Lily said, then paused. “I don’t even think Edward is a vampire. He’s a fairy.” She leaned back in her seat, very proud of herself. 

 “Please explain that to me.” I asked, laughing.

 “He doesn’t bite people, he looks like he lives in the woods, and he sparkles. He’s a fairy.”

 “He’s like Tinker Bell!” Luke said, laughing. I joined in until Lily asked, “What page are we on?"

 “I don’t even know. You were too busy talking about Edward. Alice? What page are we on?” I didn’t get an answer from her right away, so I looked over and saw her head face down on the desks. Her straight black hair was covering her faces and I took my pencil and poked her. She must’ve been sleeping. “Alice. Aliceee, come out of Wonderland.” 

 “W-Whaa’? I-Is school over yet?” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes tiredly. 

 “No, we’re still-” 

“Ella!” My eyes snapped up to see Ms. Dover frowning at me. Her foot was tapping impatiently and I knew I had ticked her off already. “Do you know where we are?” 

 “Umm, at school. In the classroom...?” I said in a ‘duh’ like tone, making the other kids laugh a bit. 

 “You think that’s funny?” 

 Obviously. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t be laughing. I thought to myself, but knew better not to say it out loud. Meg would kill me if I disrespected a teacher like that. 

 “Very.” I just mumbled. She didn’t hear me though, but my friends around did, making them laugh a bit harder. 

 “I meant where in this story, Ella.” 

 “Page 57.” Alice coughed next to me. 

 “Page 57.” I said, casually, slowly turning the pages to the right one once she looked away. Guess she didn’t hear Alice. I realized I was way off, somewhere in the two hundreds. I mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Alice. She winked at me, and I smiled a bit. Ahh, true friends. My friends were the kind that if my phone went off in class, making it sounds like a freaking earthquake, they would cough over my ringtone. If I didn’t do last nights homework, they’d hand me a pen before I could even ask.

 As soon as the last bell rang, I was out of that classroom. I swear, I was the first one out, not even waiting for my friends. They were just as eager as me so they weren’t far behind. 

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