Project Boobrie

173 8 133

A/N: There might be some confusion among who is who, so I labeled the names. You'll know what I'm talking about as you read. This one features a special guest! (Or a few)

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Keefe: Ahhhhh. Nothing like hearing the sound of sweet surrender.


Clary: What's going on?

Keefe: So we found something my mom left behind at Candleshade and it dredged up a memory. I bet Foster that she couldn't piece together the memory and-


Keefe: ...what?

Jace: You mean A legacy. Wait, it's been the same pattern. A Flashback, too...and A Nightfall, or I guess it's THE nightfall...

Vara: Uhhhh a pattern needs to repeat more than thrice to be a pattern. Plus, I was talking about-

Me: VARA. Never mind her, continue on Keefe.

Me: *whispering to Vara* We need to find out as much as I—uh, we—can without SM or anyone else getting suspicious.

Vara: *nods*

Me: Anyway Keefe, what happened?

Keefe: Well-

Sophie: Don't you DARE tell them the rest

Fitz (as Keefe): Fear the almighty Foster, got it.

Tris: Keefe, we know it's you......

Fitz (as Keefe): Seriously?! I thought I had it!

Vara: Lol "Fitz", next time try to be subtle.

Me: And don't use Foster.

Fitz (as Keefe): Eh, it's her nickname. From ME, not the Fitzster.

Vara: ....why don't you go on your own account, Keefe? It's kinda confusing in case you can't tell

Fitz (as Keefe): It's funner here! That way I can watch our little blush-Master Fitzy going red and checking me to see if I'm talking about-

Keefe (as Fitz): SHUSH!

Jace: Keefe/Fitz, funner is NOT a word. You NEED to work on your grammar.

Fitz (as Keefe): Fitz, why are you on my imparter?!

Keefe (as Fitz): You deserve it!!!

Vara: *snorts* AMAZING argument, Fitz. You need to work on your arguing skills, too. Anyway, come ON guys!! We all know Sophie's the real blush master, not Cognate Obsessed Boy Who's Also Obsessed with Saying Hey!

Keefe (as Fitz): Hey!

Fitz (as Keefe): *snickers*

Sophie: HEY!

Me: Awwww the Cognates are saying stuff at the same time now.... *whispers* Sokeefe shall win

Vara: Don't be mean, Greebean-

Percy: That rhymes!!!

Vara: After all, Sophie capitalized her "Hey" while Fitz didn't. It proves that Sophie's more aggressive than Fitz.

Keefe (as Fitz): Or am've never seen me when I'm angry.

Vara: *sarcasm* Uh huh, "Keefe". I've never EVER seen you angry at all.

Me: Actually, Keefe (the real one), have we ever seen you angry? In the books?



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