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Fandom Texting-Movies

(A/N: HP is taking a break and only the main characters of PJ will be here, other than Leo, Jason and a special surprise.)

Annabeth: Oh no

Everyone else: What?

Annabeth: We have to watch our own movies

Everyone else: Oh nooooo

Sophie: We don't have our movie. Yet.

Keefe: What do you mean, our own movie?

Sophie: Tell ya later

Fitz: Hey Sophie...what do you mean by we don't have a movie? Like a movie suggestion?

Sophie: Later

Fitz: But I'm your-

KotLC crew except for Sophie and Fitz: COGNATE YEAH WE GET IT WE GET IT

Dex: Seriously dude

Tam: Ya don't need to mention it at every available chance you get

Me: Precisely. Now Fitz, you're a great character, but you use the "cognates" excuse often to get what you want. To stop that from happening, I want you to write a bunch of times on a piece of paper, "Just because I am Sophie's cognate does not mean I can do everything I want."

Linh: Character? If Fitz is a character are we all characters?

Me: *flushes* Later, Linh!

Tam: Later seems to be our favorite word lately

Fitz: Whyyyyy

Keefe: OH OH OH I KNOW *raises hand*

Me: Oh! Keefe! *points at Keefe*

Keefe: *says proudly* To make sure that our dear Fitzypoo isn't an insufferable know-it-all that says he's cognates with Sophie at any available chance to go with her wherever she goes and do whatever she does and TRY AND KISS HER UNDER THE TREE ON PAGE 666 OF LODESTAR!

Sophie: 😶😶😶

Fitz: 😘


Sophie: ...

Fitz: Wait no wrong emoji

Fitz: I meant this 😟

Everyone: Aaaaawwwww why

Tam: Was that an excuse looool

Keefe: Wait what I have no idea what made me say the 666 part of lodestar or whatever

Me: *stifles laughing* It might be the Sokeefeian readers. They are pretty uncontrollable and do whatever they want. Don't worry, the Sophitzers will get their fair share, too.

KotLC: ???

Me: Never mind. Ignore me now.

Tam: ...Lodestar...?

Biana: Probably the Lodestar mirror

Dex: That's cool that there are pages in the Lodestar Mirror. I need to examine it sometime. Hey...maybe there are the names of the Neverseen hideouts there!

Sophie: Kiss?!

Keefe: Yeah you kinda had some weird intentions under the tree, Fitz

Fitz: *tries to hide blushing*

Linh: The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else's lake

KotLC crew except for Linh: ???

Simon: You too?! I dream about going up there but that is a big mistake

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