{21} Trying To Tell Mom The Truth

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I lay on my bed thinking about what happened today. My therapist crying in front of me because she was happy I hug her back and I'm staring to trust her, and Eden who likes another boy who is his enemy. Not only that, I made my therapist and Eden laugh and smile and I thought I couldn't do that! I feel something that I didn't know I would ever feel. I feel...happy.

I feel when my near is me but I haven't feel happy with someone else. It’s like I don't have to be just happy with my mom but there are other people who need happiness or I feel happy with. Like Eden and my therapist. I hear the front door open and slam close and footsteps coming up. I hope it isn't dad and with that woman.

Suddenly, my good mood was gone and it was replaced with anger. Who does he think he is? Bringing and having sex with another woman! I'm still mad at my mom for being so calm for my dad bringing another woman and my mom doesn't even know her! There was a knock on the door and my mom pops her head out.

"Hey Zayden what's up?" She said smiling at me.

I sit up and frown at her. Should I tell her about dad and that woman? She needs to know the truth so she can talk to dad. I guess she sense that something was wrong because she quickly walk into my room and close the door. She sits next to me and kisses my forehead. A shiver went through my spine. Why is she always cold? I understand its cold outside but when you walk into the house you suddenly get warm.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She said moving a strand of hair out my face. My frown deepens and I look away from her. It pains me to see my mom sad but I have to tell her.

"Mom..do you remember that woman dad brought here?" I said.

"Yes, her name is Rachael, right?" She said.

I shrug not caring what her name is. I don't want to say it. It makes me sick. "Yeah, her. Anyways dad did-" The door slams open and we both jump.

"Zayden! Dad has been calling you for dinner!" Eden said rolling his eyes. Thanks for ruining the moment, Eden.

I glare at him and sneer "Can't you see I'm talking to mom?"

He tilts his head and opens his mouth but shuts it and shakes his head. "Dad said dinner is ready, come downstairs." Then Eden runs downstairs.

I sigh and look back at my mom. "Mom, dad has-" She smiles and gets up.

"Mom where are you going?" I said getting up also. Where is she going? I need to tell her.

"Zayden tell me later. You need to go downstairs and eat," she said walking out of my room. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. That work please note the sarcasm. I groan and walk downstairs slowly. Its not like dad is going to scream at me for not listening to him. I hear giggles and laughs coming from the kitchen. I walk downstairs quickly and go to the kitchen to see Eden, my dad, and...

"Hey Zayden! Remember Rachael?" Dad said smiling at her. He has his arm around her shoulder.

"Hi Zayden!" She said cheerily. I jump from her cheeriness and I glare at my dad.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I scream making my dad, the woman, and Eden jump. This is going to be fucking fantastic. 

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