Chapter 11

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~Chapter 11


My face twisted up in confusion as i looked up at the woman,"Why would they want me?"

She walked over to me, looking down at me with a mocking expression,"I can't tell you that now can I." She pulled a small dagger from her pocket with her free hand, dragging it over my face, I felt the sting as she drew a small cut on my forehead.

She leaned down and whispered in my ear,"But let's just say its not because they want to thank you for escaping Night." She stepped back nodding behind me, I felt them grab my arms jerking me up,"Take her to the control room, strap her to the back of the co-pilot chair, that way we can watch her at all times." She stepped back letting them walk me down the hallway, when they reached for my arms I jerked them away.

When we go to the control room they forced me to my knees and tied my hands to the bottom of the chair, making me hunch forward, I felt my arms strain against the ties and my wrists burn against the rope.

I took deep breath not letting them see me in pain, I heard more people enter and turned my head to see the lady from before walk in, this time the screen was off,"Well, now that she's turned off, why don't we get to the real fun."

She walked close to me and kneeled down,"You killed my partner and you are going to pay." She picked up a strand of my hair letting turning it over, before giving it a hard yank, I held in my gasp as she brought my head close.

"I didn't kill him."

"What did you say?" She asked in a deadly quiet voice."

I raised my voice,"I didn't kill him." I felt a slap as soon as I was done, I turned my head back down feeling the burn on my cheek.

"Don't you dare disrespect me like that." She stood up and nodded to someone behind me, "Take her to that room we found her in, she can stay there while I figure out what to do with her."

A man came over and untied my hands from the chair jerking me up and walking me towards the hallway,"Wait! Someone else go with them, I don't trust her."

I felt the small hope I had deflate as I heard another pair of footsteps come up behind me, grabbing my other arm.


On the way there I felt the ship take off, and knew that Pax and Katie weren't on, if they were she would be rubbing it in my face, and torturing me with them, I felt some small hope knowing that if I didn't make it off this ship, at least they would.

When we got to the room I saw someone had come and cleaned up the body, and decided to take the bed with them meaning that the only place I would have to sleep was the rug that was covered in blood.

They pushed me in, retieing my hands tight enough that I could feel the blood leaving them, they gave me one last shove before turning and slamming the door.

I slid down next to the door leaning my head back and thinking of all the things I would do differently, the first being, I would have been nicer to Pax and Katie. They had helped me and all I ever did cause them trouble and not talk to them, they were the first people who cared about me since Hope and I had pushed them away.

I layed down resting my head on the hard floor, I didn't want to hope that Pax and Katie would come, because no matter how much I wanted out, I didn't want them to died getting me out.

I closed my eyes trying to stop the flood of thoughts from over taking me, instead I focused on the things that made me happy, seeing Katie and Pax banter back and forth, laughing with them over dried food, and seeing the concern in their eyes that told me they actually cared, with that in mind I drifted off to sleep.

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