Chapter 1

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Keep in mind this is a draft, I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading.


I was twelve the first time I got whipped, I had just arrived to the mine and had been sorted into my square when i saw a Bayou guard grab one of the girl's yanking her out of the line, the guard's were allowed to "toughen us up" which meant that they were allowed to "toss us around". They would do it in an attempt to get a reaction because if we fought back then we would get punished.

I remember the other girls saw, but they kept there heads down quickly walking away in an attempt to not be noticed, I remember seeing the Bayou with his white hair and almost see though skin, and I just remember thinking that i don't want to lose my humanity, I don't want to be one of those people that look away and never help. That was the day that I got my first whipping because I stood up to the guard, and in the years that followed it wouldn't be my last.


We were all gathered around the main square to watch one of the fourteen year old's get made an example, if you continuously act out at some point you know it's coming. They had a block set up in the middle of the square with the rest of us crowed around it, they had split the square into age groups, we weren't allowed to talk or look any other age in the face. The oldest their let you get here is 25, after that unless you work at the birthing houses, or are a higher rank then the rest of us, you get executed.

They brought the girl out through the left of the square, and made her kneel in front of the block of wood, the girl had curly black hair, and light brown skin, you could see a glowing blue light sticking out against her skin, it was her breather, the only reason us humans didn't die was because of them, and it helped keep us under control, they could shut it off at any point. It was deathly silent as people turned there heads in an attempt to not see what was coming. This wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last, I looked to my right and saw the glowing blue electric fence that separated us from the other half of the cave.

One of the first things that happened when the Bayous and Zonda's decided when they opened the mines was that they wanted us sorted, into gender, and into age, the other half of the cave is where they kept the other gender.

I looked back just in time to see them raising the ax, I looked down as soon as I saw it, I heard the slice of the ax as it sailed through the air and the thunk as it hit the block, but what I couldn't get out of my head was the sound of the head falling to the ground and the small gasp's with it.

When you turn eleven the age Bayous consider that your mature enough to watch what happened a hundred and ninety-five years ago They had it filmed so they would never forget the week leading up to the day they beat the human race.

The video would start off with words stating that the humans were to needy that they had to keep wanting more, more planets, and more knowledge. They said that humans were so greedy that it made them stupid, it said that because of that stupidity of our ancestors it is the reason that us humans live like we do now, that it was there fault for making the Bayous angry and that we were stupid enough not to surrender when we had the chance.

I remember sitting there in a white room sitting on the floor next to the other fifty girl's my age thinking, why are they still punishing us, after everything they've put us through, isn't it enough?

They then explained that we had been given a chance to surrender two days before they attacked, that we didn't take it, they showed us a clip of a corner of Africa getting blown up, I remember looking away as they showed the Bayous come to earth and start killing anyone who didn't surrender right away. That was our first punishment the first twenty-four hours if a Bayou saw you, you were dead.

After that Earth surrendered and pleated with the Bayous to stop because they were surrendering, but it didn't stop them, they ignored our surrender, if a Bayou saw you at that time if you weren't on the ground begging they would kill you. That was the time where they killed all the leaders of every country, after they did that, they finally started to accept peoples surrenders, and started shipping us off Earth.

After a year of shipping us off they had finally got us all out of our old solar system and into there's. Since then they've separated us into four categories, birthing homes, where you got to have and take care of babies until your thirty, slaves, where you get to go to the "best planet" Itoa and work for the Bayous and Zondas, engineering the highest class you can get as a human, and miners, where you start working at twelve. The mining system is set up in an under ground cave on Night, one half of the cave is for boys and the other half is girls. Once you get here they separate you into age and then squares, and squares are big squares of electric fence, it's the areas where we sleep, there are about three or four per age.

That night I couldn't sleep, it was a chilly night even underground, I tried to curl up with the thin blanket around me feeling the rocks dig into my back, they only gave us a blanket to sleep on.

What I didn't know at the time was that night were rounding us up for execution. I heard people walking, they gate opening, and then I felt someone grab my arm yanking me up and shoving me to the floor. When i looked to my right i could see at least ten other girls in the same position, i felt them out hand cuffs on me, the guard grabbed me yanking me up.

They made a line and started walking us up to the surface, it took twenty minutes of us going up stairs to get to the top, I had only been on the surface once, when they brought me here then I was blindfolded so I couldn't see where the entrance was. It was behind a hill of black rock, as far as I could see it was just black rock stretching for mile upon miles.

They took us around the hill and into a building the size of the cave, it was made out of gray cement with two big bright lights on the front, on the inside there was ten different hallways leading to what looked like cells.

They shoved us all into one big room with ten wooden poles in a line in the middle of the room, each of the guards grabbed our hands, out them around the pole and tied them together. I could hear some of the other girls crying, most of us didn't have hope but when your in a position like this you never really realized that you did have some even if it was only a little.

I could hear the sound of a whip and tensed waiting for the inevitable, we all expect this to happen, everyone's been whipped at least once, likely more, before you even arrive they give you your first whipping. They whipped us in a line starting with the first person down to the last I was in the middle so i had five seconds longer to wait then the rest.

I felt the stink of the whip biting into my skin and bit my tough trying not to yell, I could hear the other girls, some screamed other had tears dripping down there faces, they whipped us twenty-five time before they stopped and started dragging each girl out every five minutes.

They got to me twenty minutes later, a guard came in untied my hands and yanked me up, we took a left out of the room down the hallway and took a right at that point I really knew I was running out of time. I looked both ways to make sure no one was around then I threw him into a wall, I knocked his head back into the wall as hard as I could.

I started walking as fast as I could with my back hunched because of the cuts, when I got to the next corner I peaked my head around, when I saw it was empty I turned, after a few turns I finally got to a part of the building that didn't have cells, there was a door next to me when I heard someone running down, I grabbed the door and threw it open ignoring the pain on my back.

The room had two long tables next to each other each with a lot of what looked like ship parts, and on the walls surrounding it there was shelves full of different types of machine. Back between two of the shelves on the left there was enough space for me to fit.

I walked over and squeezed into the cubbie feeling blood rush down my back and wondering how long I had left.


Thanks for reading I hoped you enjoyed it I will try to up date once a week . If you find any spelling or gramer errors let me know and i'll fix it, thanks again. Next chapter should be up in a few days.

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