Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6

It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach, I leaned against the wall the wall next to me, I mildly saw Pax look, his eyebrows scrunched and mouth in a frown, before he turned back to the TV, I felt like I was underwater I heard people talking but I didn't understand their words, all I could see was Hopes lifeless body on the ground.

I shook my head and pushed away from the wall with my right arm, shoving past people as I tried to get a better look at the TV, Hopes face must've been a year before she died, she had skin as pale as snow but it only added to her features, she had big round green eyes and even though you could tell she was skinny her eyes still held light in them, they hadn't gotten the deep black circles under her eyes that everyone eventually got, but she seemed to get sooner then most. Her hair was tied up in a messy ponytail, with strands falling around her young face, when we were seven everyone loved Hope, they wanted to be her, even when we were so young that we still didn't know how to tie our shoes, we all knew who the natural leaders were, Hope was one of them.

When she became my friend and saved me, it woke me up, made me grateful, but most importantly made me want to stand up for others, for them to feel the way I did in that moment, and it also made me want to be like her, but the down fall was that as soon as she saved me everyone made fun of her for it, they turned their aggression to not just me but Hope as well, and for that I will never forgive myself for.

Beneath her photo there were words scrolling by, it took me a minute to read what they said and by the time I was starting too another image popped up next to hers, a picture of me.

It was recent, I knew that because of my face, it was set in-or what had been-a permanent scowl, my face was pale with big black circles under my grey eyes, my cheeks were sunken in, my blonde hair down and sticking to my sweaty face, my brown piece of hair curved across my forehead, it must of been after one of the whippings, my shoulders were hunched over, I had cuts and bruises all over my cheeks and forehead.

I felt all the eyes in the room turn to look at me, most with confusion, some with anger, and two with sympathy, Katie and Pax, in the corner of my eye I could see there faces, Pax with his eyebrows scrunched and mouth in a frown, his eyes moving from the screen and back to me, Katie had amusement in her eyes but her eyebrows were tilted, like she was trying to figure something out, and that's when I was finally able to focus on the screen and the words rolling by, and I felt a pool of anger in my stomach at what they said,

Wanted for murder of Hope Crevan, Atara Meria if found do not engage, and DO NOT KILL! Repeat wanted for murder Atara Meria, do not engage and DO NOT KILL! If found call authority's!

My hands curled into fists and I was feeling two very strong emotions in that moment, I was angry that they would try to pin her death on me, and I was even more mad at myself for starting this whole thing, I should've just stayed, let them kill me like they did to the rest, I didn't deserve to still be alive Hope is the one that should still be here not me.

I could feel everyone look at me in anger, everyone except Pax, even Katie looked at me with accusation in her eyes, I ducked my head feeling a tear leak out of my eye, I hastily wiped it away, hopefully before someone saw, I started shoving people out of my way, I didn't know my way around this house, but I knew one place no one would be, outside in the freezing cold.

I quickly made my way to the door grabbed the handle and pulling down, opening the door walking out and slamming it, I quickly walked to the sidewalk yanking my hood and hat off, yanking my hand through my hair not caring if I pulled out any, not caring about the pain. I brought both of my fisted gloved hands to my face banging them against my forehead muttering,"It's all my fault, it's all my fault."

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