Chapter 8

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Warning this chapter deals with sad elements.

~Chapter 8

I jumped up looking over at Trina and Zev, they looked at each other before Trina turned to me and whispered,"Quietly walk to the living room, and grab the gun off the floor." I nodded my head, walking back to the living room I went straight over to where the gun was lying on the sofa, grabbing it and turning the safety off, another loud pound on the door made me jump and the door rattle.

Trina and Zev came in, Zev was carrying a gun a little bigger than mine, he looked at the door with a grim expression before he nodded his head at me, jerking it toward the wall next to the door, I nodded tightening my grip on the gun, Trina had a knife in her hand she tucked into her waistband before she nodded at Zev and me, she walked to the door as I quietly made my way to the wall while Zev stood just behind where the door would open.

Trina lifted her hand, put it on the handle, and turned it, I raised the gun pointing it at the door. The door opened letting in a blast of cold air making goose bumps rise on my skin, when I saw who was behind the door for the first time in two days I felt relief.

A relived smile stretched across my face, I lowered the gun clicking the safety on, Zev did the same coming out from behind the door, Trina lowered her hand that had been gripping the knife in her pocked, for once I knew these people weren't going to hurt me, and those people were Pax and Katie.

Trina moved to let them in opening the door all the way standing aside, Pax walked in first taking off his hood, hat, and then coat, Katie came in next yanking her hat off and giving Trina and Zev a hug, Pax soon following her. I went and shut the door, blocking any more cold air from coming in.

I went and leaned on the wall next to the door, after they were done hugging Pax turned and looked at me, nodding his head, he seemed to relax at seeing me Katie turned and saw me a relived smile coming to her face she walked over and hugged me, I wasn't the type of person that was used to hugging, but it felt nice, like I could let go of some of the stress and sadness over Jacks death, for a moment at least.

Trina ushered them to the sofa saying,"Sit, who knows what you went threw to get here, i'll go get some soup."

Pax took the left side while Katie took the right, both started to peel off layers setting them down on the floor.

Zev came over and slide down the wall next to me, sitting on the floor, I scooted over feeling the cold from the window next to me, I decided Zev had done the smart thing and decided to join him, sliding down next him and leaning my head against the wall, letting my eyes fall shut.

I opened my eyes a minute latter to see Trina coming back with a tray of soups and crackers, with three cups of water. She had also brought out a small brown fabric fold out stand to put everything on, she put the tray on the stand, and started passing things out.

She handed Pax and Katie theirs first then me and Zev before finally getting herself some, she reminded me of what I assumed a grandma would be like, she was sweet but stern and over fed me, I really didn't need more soup, or I felt like I didn't until I looked down at my skinny legs and arms. Trina went and sat down in the chair, crossing her legs and looking at Pax and Katie, waiting for them to say their news.

Katie looked at Pax, he sighed and said," Tim didn't know a lot, he didn't know where Blake was, or who took him, but he did have ideas, apparently he had heard rumors saying that the Bayous were looking for someone, someone big enough that they could finally turn the tides, and help us humans fight back.

"No one actually believes it except for the Bayous, they believe it so much that they have been taking people who they think had contact with that person. Tim's theory is that they think Blake has had contact with this person, so they came after him in hopes of finding that person."

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