Chapter 4

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~Chapter 4

I had grabbed his left shoulder and Katie had his right, we were both supporting him in-between us,"Pax, wake up." I whispered as I shook him, his head moving back and forth like a doll, then I looked at Blake, only to see Blake moving boxes around, he was shoving and throwing them to the side, I could hear things shatter in the boxes. I looked back at Pax and saw the blood growing, it was dripping down his arm past my fingers, and down to his finger tips before dropping to the ground, I looked at Katie feeling my heart rate pick up as the panic started to set in," What do we do?"

"We need to get him on the floor and try to stop the bleeding while Blake looks for the medical supplies." We gently laid him down, as soon as we put him down Katie ripped off part of her shirt and tied a not on his arm above the hole.

I sat on my knees starring at Pax until I was starring at a different person in a different place, and at a different time. I saw someone else blood running threw my fingers, I felt the bite of the rocks into my skin on my knees, I heard the screaming, my screaming, and I felt the pit in my stomach when I knew that my friend was gone.

"Hey!" I shook my head getting snapped back to a reality, I took a deep breath, this isn't the same, he's a different person, and I let out before looking at Katie, she was starring at me with an agitated expression which made me think that wasn't the first time she had called my name.


"Can you keep pressure on his arm with this?" She handed me another strip of her shirt, I looked down at Pax's pale face and put the piece of cloth down and pushed down.

She got up and went to look with Blake leaving me with Pax, I looked down at Pax and instead of seeing a cold heartless human being I saw the guy that gave me the benefit of the doubt, I saw how Katie and Blake ran around trying to find the medical supplies to save him, I saw a family, people who cared about each other, who would give there lives for each other. I had never had that, I had never wanted it after my best friend died, I had passed every human off as nothing but animals with no compassion for anyone, but seeing them made me think maybe I did want this but I was never given a chance at it.

"Finally!" I heard Katie yell, and start running over to Pax, she knelt down next to me with a big first aid kit and grabbed some rubbing alcohol, a cotton pad, and drenched it before she rubbed it over his bullet hole, she moved the skin back to see if the bullet was still in before grabbing the stitches and stitching it up, after that she grabbed a big cotton pad with some medical tape and secured it onto his arm.

"We need to move him." Blake said, he had moved so he was kneeling next to Katie she nodded, grabbing his shoulder while Blake grabbed his other one, they together stood him up with Katie grabbing his waist to avoid grabbing his arm.

They turned off into one of the hallways and after taking two lefts and right they finally came to what I assume is Pax's room, it had gadgets all over most of them half built clocks, and flashlights, there was a bed with the head against the back wall with a big brown table to the right of it with a white lamp on it, there was the clocks and flashlights and stuff I had never seen before thrown all over the table and ground, with a black swivel chair in front of the desk.

They laid him down on the plain white bedspread and pillow case,"He should be awake in and hour or two, but we should watch him until he wakes up." Katie said brushing a piece of his shaggy hair to the side.

I cleared my throat and said,"I'll watch him." I said, I don't know why I said it, I looked at Katie's bags under her eyes and knew it had been a while since she had slept, and maybe it was the fact that I hadn't seen anyone act like this in years, but I felt like I had to let her sleep, to not worry about him quiet as much and to repay her for helping me.

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