Chapter 1

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“Please don’t fight”

That’s what my little sister used to say to my brother and me.

I wish I could say I had kept my promise not to, but I didn’t. I never fight against Hunter, my older brother anymore. I fight with him. Hunter and I taking on the world together. Your probably thinking, what about your parents? I get asked that question a lot.

Our father was murdered when Hunter was twelve. They killed my mother too. Our uncle took us in but with his criminal record, we just couldn’t stay.

They would have separated us and we couldn’t loose our sister Ashley. Everything Hunter and I do is for her. She is the light at the end of the tunnel.


I liked Bomont. We had a nice little apartment and we could afford to send Ashley to the local school. But, like always we had to leave.

“I don’t want to go!” Ashley wailed. “I have nice friends and the school play is in two weeks!”

I sighed. “I know Ashy, but the new house is so pretty and there is even a garden”   

Her eyes lit up like little spotlights “Really? Could I plant some roses?”

I grinned at her and rolled my eyes “What else would we plant?”

She was about to reply when the door swung open. Instinctively, I pushed Ashley into the next room and raised my fists to meet the attacker. What can I say? I’m a bit cautious. I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw that it was none other than my big brother, Hunter.

“Did you get it?” I blurted out

“I’m fine thanks, how are you?” he replied grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, probably strangling him.

“Did you get it or what?” I repeated. I had been so worried he wouldn’t be able to get our money because that meant starting from scratch, again.

“Of course, my lady” he said with a lopsided grin holding up a roll of cash

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding.

“Ashy, you can come out now chiki” I called behind me. Hunter and I chuckled as her little head appeared around the corner. Her cautiousness completely disappeared when she saw Hunter.

“HUNTER!” she squealed running to him and jumping into his arms.

I smile at the scene before me. Happiness is clearly displayed on all of our faces.

“Come on chiki, let’s go pack up your toys” I say to Ashley taking her hand I sent a happy, genuine smile over my shoulder to Hunter, which he returned.

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