Chapter 11

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"Where the hell have you been?" I heard Lia's voice in the hallway just as I swiped my access card.

"I went for a walk." I lied. My cheeks were still flushed from the moment Daniel and I shared, from the moment wherein I felt so... Human.

"Oh, okay." Lia said. Thank God she believes me.

"Do you have anything else to say?" I asked her, trying not to be so rude.

"Are you sleepy?" She asked me. "I think I can show you something."

I was tempted to say that I am sleepy but I was very much interested in what Lia was going to show me. Maybe I'm not interested. Maybe it's because there's a huge wave of emotions rolling over me.

"Alright." I swiped back the access card and the sliding door closed. Lia led the way, going straight ahead in the immaculate corridors.

Lia wasn't fond of Daniel and I felt quite sorry for lying to her. I've been trying my best not to show her what I felt while at the same time being kind to her although she was sometimes too curt on me.

"Don't think I don't know where you've been."

I swallowed, eyes widening.

"You've been seeing him, have you?" She inquired as we took a right turn. "I told you not to trust him too much."

We took a left turn this time and I wasn't speaking at all. My mind swirled with the memories of Dan-his lips soft and gentle against mine, the galvanizing taste of his mouth, his hands brushing my skin lightly, his fingers pressing those keys and producing the sweetest of sounds, his tears that started erupting when he thought he wasn't good enough for me, his dark eyes staring into my soul.

"I'm not forbidding you to see him, Lauren. It's your life. What I just want to point out is that, you should concentrate on your mission, your purpose and also, consider your condition." She said. Lia has always sounded like the older sister, protective and loving. Sometimes, she's so frank and straightforward her words can charge you like a sword but that's what I like about her. Her standards are high and she's sometimes difficult to please but at the same time, she's humble and down-to-earth, always loyal to her roots and to the people who've helped her. She's always wanted to be my friend but I've always pushed her away.

"I think it's not a problem, Lia." I told her.

She arched an eyebrow as if she were analysing a Math equation. Aside from architecture, Lia was also in the field of mathematics. "How come? Override of emotions cause you to be..."

I cut her short, not even allowing her to finish what she was supposed to say. I was incredibly happy but it wasn't affecting my system. "No. Not all the time. Daniel's my exception." The last words sounded wrong but it had just felt so right.

"Exception?"Lia blurted out.

"I didn't feel any pain when I kissed him."

"You kissed him?!" Lia's jaw dropped and she stopped at her tracks just to glare at me with her dark eyes. "Lauren, are you perfectly alright?"

"Yes, Lia." I smiled as her hands clamped my shoulders and her eyes started to analyze me. "And there was nothing. Maybe he really is my ideal mate."

Lia's eyes dropped to the floor and I felt her fingers shift against the fabric of my top.

"I love him, Lia." I said, my voice soft and barely audible.

She looked up again at me and smiled. I heard her make a low grunting sound. "I hope you're happy." She said. Lia took her hands off me and swiped her access card on one of the machines by the door. The door slid open, revealing a dark room filled with huge flatscreen TV's.

SMOKE (The Aurum Trilogy Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora