Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 


"Did you ever wish you could change things?" Jonathan asked as we strolled on one of the numerous corridors of his underground base. There wasn't much to see in here except for controlled weather windows, storage areas, vacant rooms and immaculate white halls. 

"Well..." I began, dwelling on the question. "Sometimes I do." 

"Did you ever wish you could change yourself?" 

"A lot of times." I replied. "A lot of times I wished I wasn't some experiment. I wished I wasn't somebody people would delightfully kill." 

Jonathan shoved his hand in his pockets, and I am hyperaware of how close we are. I distance myself a little farther from him and avoid his eyes. 

"Do you wish you could change yourself?" I asked, bouncing off his own question. "After all that's happened?" 

"No." He answered. "I never want to change who I am." 


"If I hadn't been in that simulation, I wouldn't have met you. I wouldn't have seen that other side of me that felt so carefree compared to the leader that I am now."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. He inched closer to me till our elbows touch, and we turn left to another one of the numerous halls. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't sleep in a night like this." I told him. "I just don't want to dream. That's all." 

"It's okay." Jonathan replied. "I'd gladly have a one o'clock stroll with you anytime, my lady."

I chuckled. Then, Jonathan and I stopped in our tracks. A pale girl with piercing blue eyes and a crown of golden hair stood directly across us, and she was wearing an expression of deep puzzlement. 

It was Jonathan who first spoke. "Julienne..."

I rattled my mind for memories and found her. It was Jonathan's sister, and I could remember the both of us not getting along too well. 

She walked to us, a reproachful glare being donned by her eyes. "Hi." I said, my voice faint and coming off with a tinge of shyness. I wasn't sure if she knew me or if she wanted my presence around her brother.  I held out my hand in the friendliest manner I could come up with. "I'm Lauren."

"Oh, I know you!" She scowled, and Jonathan just shrugged his shoulders.  

"I'm sorry for interrupting your brother's," I paused, looking for the perfect word. "Resting hours." 

"You shouldn't be." Jonathan rebuked. 

"No. I... I really am." 

"What's the matter, Julienne?" Jonathan asked her. 

"If father sees you with her..." She muttered. "You know he doesn't like her."

"Julienne, you know not even father can control my decisions now. You know I have every right to pick whoever I want to be with." Julienne glared at me, but I showed no fear. Jonathan was here, and I could feel security wrapping its arms around me like a blanket sheltering me from the harshest winter. 

"And you choose to be with her." 

"Well, I made him." I spoke up. "And if you don't want me around him, it's fine." I backed off, raising my palms as a sign of surrender. I walked away, and started towards my room when Jonathan caught up to me. 

"I'm sorry..." He uttered, half-walking, half-jogging. 

"No. It's fine." I said. "She's right. What would the people think when they see us? Their trust and your reputation—"

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